SAM’s News

NEW EMERSON COLLEGE POLL: Support for pot legalization in New York falls 20 percentage points when respondents are given choice of decriminalization

NEW EMERSON COLLEGE POLL:  Support for pot legalization in New York falls 20 percentage points when respondents are given choice of decriminalization SAM Action-commissioned poll used same college pollster as Marijuana Policy Project and Drug Policy Alliance; finds support falls dramatically when New Yorkers are offered alternatives to legalization (December 4, 2017 – New York, […]

Smart Approaches to Marijuana Launches National Driving Campaign “High Means DUI”

  SAM Launches National Campaign “High Means DUI” to Raise Awareness on the Harms of Driving While High and Support Pro-Active Legislation                              Local Contact: Dana Stevens 760-317-6716 National Contact: (SAN DIEGO) – SAM, Smart Approaches to Marijuana, a 501 c-3 nonprofit […]

National Marijuana Policy Organization Applauds Veto of Marijuana Legalization in Maine

Legislation would have permitted pot clubs and could have allowed minors inside retail pot shops   November 3, 2017   CONTACT: SAM Action Press Office Alexandria, VA – Leading national marijuana policy group Smart Approaches to Marijuana Action (SAM Action), fresh off an open letter campaign to Governor Paul LePage, is applauding the governor today for vetoing […]

SAM Applauds FDA Action on Medical Pot Companies Making Dishonest Medical Claims

SAM and partners have been urging action;  FDA sends warning letters to four companies today   (Alexandria, Va., November 1, 2017) – Today, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced it was sending warning letters to companies illegally selling marijuana products with unsubstantiated medical claims. SAM and its partners have written to FDA numerous times over […]

New National Report Shows Rise in Prevalence and Intensity of Marijuana Use

National Survey Shows Soaring Marijuana Use Among All Americans 12 and Older; Heavy Use Also on the Rise National survey highlights jump in pot use among young adults in era of marijuana legalization; Almost twice as many adolescents regularly use marijuana than cigarettes   (Alexandria, Va., September 7, 2017) – Every day, 7,000 new people […]

SAM Statement on The Denver Post’s New Stoned Driving Analysis

SAM Statement Regarding The Denver Post’s New Stoned Driving Analysis Today, Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM), the leading nonprofit, nonpartisan group dedicated to advancing evidence-based marijuana laws in the U.S., issued the following statement from SAM President Dr. Kevin Sabet in response to The Denver Post’s new analysis indicating the number of marijuana-impaired drivers involved in fatal crashes […]

SAM Statement on Marijuana Industry Report on Colorado Marijuana Tax Revenue

SAM Statement: Marijuana Industry Report on Colorado Marijuana Tax Revenue   (Alexandria, VA)-Today, Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM), the nation’s leading non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to promoting evidenced-based marijuana laws released the following statement in response to a new report by the marijuana industry on marijuana revenue:    “Like the tobacco industry before it, the […]

PNC Bank Closing Bank Accounts of Major Marijuana Lobby-Industry Group

PNC Bank Closing Bank Accounts of Major Marijuana Lobby-Industry Group as Potential DOJ Enforcement Looms over Pot Businesses and Companies Who Service Them   [Alexandria, Va.] — Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM), a non-partisan, non-profit group focused on evidence-based drug policy, highlighted an announcement that PNC Bank is closing the bank accounts of the Marijuana Policy […]

SAM President Kevin Sabet Speaks Out on Defeat of Marijuana Legalization in Vermont

Statement from SAM President Kevin Sabet Regarding Defeat of Vermont Marijuana Legalization   [Alexandria, VA, June 21, 2017] – Today, Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) issued the following statement from SAM President Kevin Sabet in response to the conclusion of a special legislative session in Vermont which failed to pass a marijuana legalization bill:   “This is a […]

New Study Finds Costs of Marijuana-Impaired Driving in Canada Total More Than $1 Billion

New Study Finds Costs of Marijuana-Impaired Driving in Canada Total More Than $1 Billion A new study led by the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) found that the estimated cost of marijuana-impaired driving injuries, collisions, and fatalities totaled more than $1 billion in 2012. Teens and young adults between the ages of […]

Statement from SAM President Kevin Sabet on Senators Booker and Gillibrand’s Marijuana Legislation to Bypass FDA

Statement by President of Smart Approaches to Marijuana on Senators Booker and Gillibrand’s Marijuana Legislation to Bypass FDA   [Alexandria, VA, June 15, 2017] – Today, Dr. Kevin Sabet, president of Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM), a national group promoting evidence-based marijuana laws, issued the following statement regarding medical marijuana legislation introduced by Senators Booker […]

Tobacco Wholesalers Seeking Marijuana Monopoly

Tobacco Wholesalers Seeking Marijuana Monopoly   More evidence emerged today about the intent of corporate interests to take over the legal marijuana industry.  According to a report published in the Boston Globe today, the industry involved in delivering and taxing cigarettes sold in Massachusetts is now trying to take advantage of the new law to […]