
New Colorado Report Shows Marijuana Harms Continue to Mount
September 18, 2019Today, a new Colorado report compiled by the Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area finds marijuana-positive traffic fatalities, hospitalizations, marijuana use, and illegal market activity have exploded since marijuana legalization. “This report, coming on the heels of the Surgeon General’s health advisory on marijuana and in the midst of a marijuana vaping crisis, piles […]

‘I became convinced that I had died’
June 4, 2014New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd ate a marijuana edible in Denver, and we hope you’ll read her full report about the experience.

National survey shows big need for marijuana ed
July 17, 2013Even parents who support marijuana legalization expect strong regulation of the drug that includes bans on public use and advertising of any kind, according to the results of a national survey released today in Denver by The Partnership at

WA affiliate champions smarter approaches
July 8, 2013In line with recent calls for Washington to “get it right” and for “strict controls” on the state’s new marijuana marketplace, the Washington Association for Substance Abuse and Violence Prevention (WSAVP) recommends the implementation of policies to prevent youth marijuana use and promote healthy communities.

Washington moves toward legal market
July 8, 2013As The Daily Chronic reports, Washington is many months away from implementing a state-regulated marijuana market.

Mass. panel approves medical marijuana rules
June 20, 2013The 52 pages of regulations that were approved unanimously by the state Public Health Council will allow patients approved for medical marijuana to receive up to 10 ounces as a 60-day supply, though some acutely ill patients could receive more with permission from their doctors.

Marijuana rallies budding in Boston
June 20, 2013As Boston magazine reports, the official medical marijuana regulations crafted by the Department of Public Health aren’t even fully in effect, and already, activists are planting the seed for the next step in the pot saga — full legalization of the drug.

President Carter opposes marijuana legalization, supports Project SAM
May 17, 2013At meeting with state legislators in Atlanta, Ga., today, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter said the dichotomy of “punishment versus rehabilitation” oversimplifies the issue of marijuana legalization. He said he worries about legal marijuana being marketed to kids; presumes marijuana revenues will be outweighed by the costs of abuse; and favors arrests for users that […]

The consequences of Colorado’s A64
April 9, 2013Colorado voters didn’t exactly think through Amendment 64, the state constitutional amendment they approved last year to legalize recreational use of marijuana.

Idaho Senate committee makes smart move
February 23, 2013We at Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) commend the Idaho Senate State Affairs Committee for sending two anti-marijuana resolutions to the full state Senate with “do-pass recommendations.”

Kennedy takes aim against marijuana legalization
January 29, 2013Patrick Kennedy spoke with MSNBC in January 2013.

Sabet debates marijuana legalization
January 29, 2013SAM Director Kevin Sabet debates Ethan Nadelmann of the Drug Policy Alliance on July 17, 2012 on CNN Newsroom with Carol Costello.

Prohibition’s real lessons for drug policy
January 29, 2013Prohibition — America’s notoriously “failed social experiment” to rid the country of alcohol — took center stage this week as PBS broadcast Ken Burns’ highly acclaimed series on the subject. And already, it has been seized on by drug legalization advocates, who say it proves that drug prohibition should be abandoned. But a closer look […]

The relationship between medical marijuana laws, use abuse and dependence
January 28, 2013Marijuana is the most frequently used illicit substance in the United States. Little is known of the role that macro-level factors, including community norms and laws related to substance use, play in determining marijuana use, abuse and dependence. We tested the relationship between state-level legalization of medical marijuana and marijuana use, abuse, and dependence. Methods: […]

Marijuana debate isn’t just legalization vs. incarceration
January 28, 2013Project SAM directors Patrick Kennedy and Kevin Sabet wrote this column, published Jan. 12, 2013 in The Denver Post.

Patrick Kennedy sees ‘mad rush’ to legalize marijuana
January 11, 2013As the Washington Times reported Jan. 11, 2013: “What I want is to slow this train down and kind of begin a discussion before other states rush to judgment, which is what I think happened here,” Patrick Kennedy said (during the formal launch of Project SAM at The Denver Press Club).

Patrick Kennedy’s unexpected challenge to marijuana legalization
January 11, 2013Ed Gogek, a self-described “lifelong partisan Democrat” and physician who serves on the board of Keep AZ Drug Free, published an op-ed in the New York Times arguing that his party should not embrace legalization. Democrats have long pilloried Republicans for ignoring science, he wrote, but they’ve done just that when it comes to marijuana: […]

Former addict Democrat Patrick Kennedy joins opponents of legalizing marijuana in the U.S.
January 11, 2013As the reported Jan. 11, 2013: “Former Rhode Island Congressman and recovering addict Patrick Kennedy is spearheading the fight against the legalization of marijuana in the United States through his new nonprofit organization, ‘Smart Approaches to Marijuana.’”

Former U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy leads campaign against legal pot
January 5, 2013As Alex Dobuzinskis of Reuters reports today in the first news story about Project SAM:

Frum: The perils of legalizing pot
January 5, 2013We’re not doing well providing work for our young people. When they do find work, they’ll probably earn less than their parents, probably form less stable intimate relationships, and age into more uncertain retirements. But, hey, don’t say we do nothing for our kids. Instead of work, marriage, and security, we can offer pot, porn, […]

Legalize pot? No, reform laws
November 20, 2012On Election Day, marijuana enthusiasts rejoiced as Colorado and Washington legalized marijuana. (Ballot initiatives in Oregon and a medical initiative in Arkansas did not fare so well.) From the federal government’s perspective, however, marijuana remains illegal. It is anyone’s guess what the Obama administration’s next move will be, but it is important to understand that […]

Medical marijuana laws hurt kids, doctor says
November 5, 2012In 2010, Denver psychiatrist Christian Thurstone explained to National Public Radio’s Neal Conan that the state’s relaxed laws made the drug widely available — and irresistible — to too many adolescents.

Neither legalization nor incarceration
November 2, 2012Tomorrow, voters in three states will decide whether marijuana should be legal. For some people, even those in recovery, marijuana use presents a net benefit in society. They believe others can enjoy a joint once in a while without suffering significant consequences. For others, marijuana represents a serious health and social problem. I was senior […]