WA: Preventing youth use

July 8, 2013

Join members of the Washington Association for Substance Abuse & Violence Prevention to hear the latest information about evidence-based interventions that potentially prevent marijuana use in the youth you care about.

WA affiliate champions smarter approaches

July 8, 2013

In line with recent calls for Washington to “get it right” and for “strict controls” on the state’s new marijuana marketplace, the Washington Association for Substance Abuse and Violence Prevention (WSAVP) recommends the implementation of policies to prevent youth marijuana use and promote healthy communities.

Washington moves toward legal market

July 8, 2013

As The Daily Chronic reports, Washington is many months away from implementing a state-regulated marijuana market.

Amendment already ‘hamstrings’ Colorado

March 17, 2013

Denver journalist Christine Tatum, a friend to SAM, writes: “It’s troubling that every regulatory framework of marijuana Colorado is considering is outside the bounds of federal law — and that the one regulatory framework that stands to save more lives and public resources is the very one its lawmakers haven’t found the political will to […]