Will ‘America’s biggest social experiment’ see the country go to pot?

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Australian Broadcasting Corporation Broadcast: 26/03/2014 Reporter: Ben Knight Watch here: http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2014/s3972278.htm  

Press Release: New Hampshire House Convincingly Rejects Legalization

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NEW HAMPSHIRE HOUSE CONVINCINGLY REJECTS LEGALIZATION The New Hampshire House of Representatives voted 192-140 on Wednesday not to legalize one ounce of recreational marijuana, demonstrating that legalization is not inevitable. Concord, NH – On Wednesday March 26, the House voted 192-140 against legalizing one ounce of marijuana for recreational use in New Hampshire. “This is […]

SAM Featured in CNN’s Sanjay Gupta’s Documentary, “Weed 2”

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SAM Featured in CNN’s Sanjay Gupta’s Documentary, “Weed 2” March 12, 2014 – [Washington, DC] – Today, Smart Approaches to Marijuana Co-Founder, Congressman Patrick J. Kennedy released the following statement about “Weed 2,” Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s CNN Documentary that featured Congressman Kennedy: “As shown on Dr. Gupta’s documentary, SAM believes that marijuana contains medical value. […]

First Month of Marijuana Tax Revenue in Colorado Falls Well Short of Expectations

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First Month of Marijuana Tax Revenue in Colorado Falls Well Short of Expectations March 11, 2014 – [Denver, CO] – Today, Smart Approaches to Marijuana Co-Founders, Congressman Patrick J. Kennedy and Executive Director Dr. Kevin A. Sabet, released the following statement about marijuana tax revenue in Colorado: “It appears that Colorado is falling well short […]

SAM, medical associations, anti-drug coalitions call on DOJ for marijuana to remain Schedule 1 & and for more government research of the drug

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SAM, MEDICAL ASSOCIATIONS & ANTI-DRUG COALITIONS SEND LETTER TO U.S. DOJ CALLING FOR MARIJUANA TO REMAIN AS A SCHEDULE I DRUG & MORE GOVERNMENT RESEARCH ON ITS MEDICAL COMPONENTS Over ten major organizations join Smart Approaches to Marijuana in pressing the DOJ not to reschedule marijuana; coalition calls for the government to increase research on […]

The Post and Courier: A safer, smarter NFL medical marijuana plan doesn’t include smoking

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By Gene Sapakoff, February 22, 2014 Never mind that Roger Goodell didn’t officially open the door to medical marijuana use within a National Football League beset with concussion controversy. The drive-by mention by the NFL commissioner at the Super Bowl struck a chord. Pro football players, agents and media types continue to chime in, most […]

New York Times: Pivotal Point Is Seen as More States Consider Legalizing Marijuana

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Pivotal Point Is Seen as More States Consider Legalizing Marijuana A little over a year after Colorado and Washington legalized marijuana, more than half the states, including some in the conservative South, are considering decriminalizing the drug or legalizing it for medical or recreational use. That has set up a watershed year in the battle […]

NBC NEWS: Treatment or Jail: Patrick Kennedy Wages Fierce Anti-Pot Crusade

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Treatment or Jail: Patrick Kennedy Wages Fierce Anti-Pot Crusade By Tony Dokoupil, NBC News As a hard-partying teenager, Patrick Kennedy met President Reagan at a fundraiser for the JFK Library, a meeting captured in a photograph that the former Rhode Island congressman now hangs in his home office. He used to think of it as a […]

Toxicology Lab Results Show Increase in Share of Marijuana Driving Cases in Washington State Since Drug Was Legalized

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Toxicology Lab Results Show Increase in Share of Marijuana Driving Cases in Washington State Since Drug Was Legalized A 33% increase in delta-9-THC witnessed in Washington since 2012, which is far greater than percentage increases seen in previous years. SEATTLE, WA – Data adapted from the Washington State Patrol and Washington State Toxicologist shows that in […]

Affiliated Tribes of the Northwest Indians (ATNI) Partners with SAM In Opposition to Marijuana Legalization in Oregon and Alaska

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Affiliated Tribes of the Northwest Indians (ATNI) Partners with SAM In Opposition to Marijuana Legalization in Oregon and Alaska The Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians partners with Smart Approaches to Marijuana, opposing the legalization of marijuana and in favor of a public-health approach to marijuana policy. FERNDALE, WA – The Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians (ATNI), […]

New SAM site tracks violations set by DOJ memo

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SAM LAUNCHES WEBSITE TO TRACK VIOLATIONS OF JUSTICE DEPARTMENT MEMO; THC-POSITIVE DRUG TESTS IN COLORADO SKYROCKET SINCE LEGALIZATION  National group launches www.legalizationviolations.org and announces that positive THC drug tests in Colorado have risen 44% since the state began retail marijuana sales (FEBRUARY 17, 2014) – Smart Approaches to Marijuana, chaired by former Congressman Patrick J. […]

National anti-marijuana group teams up with Connecticut Association of Prevention Practitioners

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National anti-marijuana group teams up with Connecticut Association of Prevention PractitionersHugh McQuaid, The Middletown Press February 10, 2014 HARTFORD — A national anti-marijuana organization put down roots Monday in Connecticut and warned that legalization efforts are poised to create a public health crisis in the form of the “next Big Tobacco.” At a press conference, […]


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PRESS RELEASE January 31st, 2014                                                                                                                                          THE MAINE PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION ENDORSES […]

SAM Launches Anti-Marijuana Ad Near Super Bowl Stadium

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PRESS RELEASE KENNEDY GROUP LAUNCHES ANTI-MARIJUANA AD NEAR SUPER BOWL STADIUM TODAY Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) places ad near MetLife stadium to raise awareness about the harms of marijuana WASHINGTON– Project SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana), a nonpartisan alliance of lawmakers, scientists and other concerned citizens, chaired by former Congressman Patrick J. Kennedy and […]

White House: Do not misinterpret the President’s comments

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WHITE HOUSE: DO NOT MISINTERPRET THE PRESIDENT’S COMMENTS Despite his comments in the New Yorker last week comparing marijuana to alcohol, the White House Press Secretary states that “The President’s position on these matters has not changed.” In response to a question from CNN today, Jay Carney, the White House Press Secretary, told reporters that […]

Patrick Kennedy: President must give clearer guidance

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Today, Patrick J. Kennedy, Chairman of Smart Approaches to Marijuana, released a statement on President Obama’s interview about marijuana: We at Smart Approaches to Marijuana (Project SAM), joined by leaders of major medical associations, recognize that marijuana legalization goes against the President’s own goals of effective education and health care reform. We have identified many […]

Multimillion Dollar Investment Group Announces Special Conference for Marijuana Industry

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MULTIMILLION DOLLAR MARIJUANA INVESTING GROUP ANNOUNCES SPECIAL CONFERENCE ON HEELS OF PRESIDENT’S REMARKS ON MARIJUANA  In an email obtained by Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM), The ArcView Group, a network for investors and entrepreneurs in the cannabis industry, announced a special “Shark Tank” conference on January 23 in Las Vegas, where marijuana entrepreneurs will promote […]

Kevin Sabet: Colorado Will Show Why Legalizing Marijuana is a Mistake

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Colorado Will Show Why Legalizing Marijuana is a Mistake Kevin Sabet, The Washington Times On Jan. 1, Colorado made history as the first jurisdiction in the modern era to license the retail sales of marijuana. To be sure, there were no bloody fistfights among people waiting in line and, as far as we know, no […]

Patrick Kennedy to President Obama: Pot has changed

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Watch SAM’s chair, Patrick Kennedy, on MSNBC’s Hardball with Chris Matthews, discussing President Obama’s recent comments about marijuana.

The Oregonian: “Marijuana legalization opponent Kevin Sabet brings his message to Oregon”

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“Marijuana legalization opponent Kevin Sabet brings his message to Oregon” By Noelle Crombie, The Oregonian January 16, 2014 The country’s most high-profile anti-marijuana spokesman brought his message to Oregon this week, warning that legalizing the drug will boost addiction rates, hook young people and enrich a powerful marijuana lobby. Kevin Sabet is scheduled to appear […]

Kevin Sabet debates Dan Riffle on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal

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SAM’s Director, Kevin Sabet, joins the Marijuana Policy Project’s Dan Riffle on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal to discuss the recreational sales of marijuana in Colorado. Watch here.

SAM Board Member, Ben Cort, on BBC World News

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Ben Cort, SAM Board Member and director of the Colorado Centre for Dependency, Addiction & Rehabilitation speaks with BBC News about the risks of legalizing marijuana in Colorado. Watch on YouTube here.

Kevin Sabet on Canada’s CTV News

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Kevin Sabet, Director of SAM, talks about the use of legal recreational pot in Colorado. Watch here.