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Kennedy kicks off anti-marijuana effort in Colorado

As The Daily Caller reported Jan. 11, 2013: “Kennedy also discussed his family’s struggles with alcoholism and his own addiction to Oxycontin, using the story to illustrate the danger he sees in lessening marijuana’s historical stigma as a very dangerous drug.

Patrick Kennedy sees ‘mad rush’ to legalize marijuana

As the Washington Times reported Jan. 11, 2013: “What I want is to slow this train down and kind of begin a discussion before other states rush to judgment, which is what I think happened here,” Patrick Kennedy said (during the formal launch of Project SAM at The Denver Press Club).

Patrick Kennedy’s unexpected challenge to marijuana legalization

Ed Gogek, a self-described “lifelong partisan Democrat” and physician who serves on the board of Keep AZ Drug Free, published an op-ed in the New York Times arguing that his party should not embrace legalization. Democrats have long pilloried Republicans for ignoring science, he wrote, but they’ve done just that when it comes to marijuana: […]

Former addict Democrat Patrick Kennedy joins opponents of legalizing marijuana in the U.S.

As the reported Jan. 11, 2013: “Former Rhode Island Congressman and recovering addict Patrick Kennedy is spearheading the fight against the legalization of marijuana in the United States through his new nonprofit organization, ‘Smart Approaches to Marijuana.’”

Pot opponents regroup after Washington, Colorado votes

Today, the Associated Press reported on the launch of Project SAM, and here are a few passages and quotes that help tell our story:

Kennedy on marijuana: ‘Destroys the brain and expedites psychosis’

Project SAM Chairman Patrick Kennedy recently spoke with The Washington Post. As the news organization noted Jan. 8:

Frum on CNN: Marijuana too risky a choice

Last week, I joined the board of a new organization to oppose marijuana legalization: Smart Approaches to Marijuana. The group is headed by former U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy and includes Kevin Sabet, a veteran of the Office of National Drug Control Policy under President Obama. The new group rejects the “war on drugs” model. It […]

Frum: The perils of legalizing pot

We’re not doing well providing work for our young people. When they do find work, they’ll probably earn less than their parents, probably form less stable intimate relationships, and age into more uncertain retirements. But, hey, don’t say we do nothing for our kids. Instead of work, marriage, and security, we can offer pot, porn, […]

Heavy, persistent marijuana use linked with significant IQ loss

Recent reports show fewer adolescents believe regular cannabis use is harmful to health. Concomitantly, adolescents are initiating cannabis use at younger ages, and more adolescents are using cannabis on a daily basis.

Legalize pot? No, reform laws

On Election Day, marijuana enthusiasts rejoiced as Colorado and Washington legalized marijuana. (Ballot initiatives in Oregon and a medical initiative in Arkansas did not fare so well.) From the federal government’s perspective, however, marijuana remains illegal. It is anyone’s guess what the Obama administration’s next move will be, but it is important to understand that […]

Medical marijuana laws hurt kids, doctor says

In 2010, Denver psychiatrist Christian Thurstone explained to National Public Radio’s Neal Conan that the state’s relaxed laws made the drug widely available — and irresistible — to too many adolescents.