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Statement From SAM President Kevin Sabet Regarding Today’s White House ONDCP Budget Proposal

Statement From SAM President Kevin Sabet Regarding Today’s White House ONDCP Budget Proposal   Contact: Anisha Gianchandani (703) 828-8182   [Alexandria, VA, May 23, 2017] –  Today, Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) issued the following statement from SAM President Dr. Kevin Sabet in response to the Trump administration’s budget proposal:   “We are relieved […]

SAM President Kevin Sabet Featured in NJ’s Asbury Park Press ‘@ ISSUE’

[Alexandria, VA, May 19, 2017] – Today, SAM President Kevin Sabet was featured in an extensive Q&A for Asbury Park Press “@ Issue” in New Jersey. Click on this link or see below for more.   The ongoing effort by New Jersey Senate Democrats to legalize recreational marijuana took another step forward last week with […]

National Marijuana Policy Group Reacts to Rep. Garrett’s Proposed Marijuana Commercialization Law

Statement by President of Smart Approaches to Marijuana on Congressman Garrett’s Support for Marijuana Commercialization              Today, Dr. Kevin Sabet, president of Smart Approaches to Marijuana, a national group promoting evidence-based marijuana laws, issued the following statement regarding Congressman Garrett’s proposed legislation that would remove marijuana from the Controlled Substances […]

Statement from SAM President Kevin Sabet Regarding Vermont Vote

Statement from SAM President Kevin Sabet Regarding Vermont Vote Contact: Anisha Gianchandani +1 (703) 828-8182   [Alexandria, VA, May 10, 2017] – Today, Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) issued the following statement from President Kevin Sabet in response to the Vermont legislature’s vote to legalize marijuana possession:   “We are disappointed by today’s vote […]

Slew of New Research Mounts on Failures of Marijuana Legalization: Pot Shops Linked to More Youth Use, More Crime, No Reductions in Drinking

Slew of New Research Mounts on Failures of Marijuana Legalization: Pot Shops Linked to More Youth Use, More Crime, No Reductions in Drinking Over the past several years, states that have legalized marijuana have suffered from a wide array of unintended consequences. States with legal marijuana continue to see a thriving black market, increases in […]

Marijuana and the Opioid Epidemic: Separating Fact from Fiction

Marijuana and the Opioid Epidemic: Separating Fact from Fiction   Advocates for marijuana legalization have touted cannabis as a cure-all for just about everything. Over the years, claims have been made that the drug can “kill” cancer cells, cure alcoholism and – yes – even eliminate morning sickness. So with the tragic rise in the […]

Colorado: New Study Finds ER visits for Cannabis Quadrupled Since Legalization

Colorado: New Study Finds ER visits for Cannabis Quadrupled Since Legalization A new study being released next week by the American Academy of Pediatrics has revealed more troubling consequences stemming from the commercialization of marijuana in Colorado.  Per NBC News: The number of teenagers sent to emergency rooms more than quadrupled after marijuana was legalized […]

SAM Reacts to Marijuana Lobbying Group’s Admission to Soliciting Donations from Tobacco Industry

  Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) Reacts to Marijuana Lobbying Group’s Admission to Soliciting Donations from Tobacco Industry Challenges Top Marijuana Lobbyist to Answer Four Questions Contact: Anisha Gianchandani +1 (703) 828-8182 [Alexandria, VA, May 2, 2017] – Today, Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM), a national organization committed to promoting evidence-based marijuana laws at […]

Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Youth Marijuana Use Hasn’t Gone Up in States Like Colorado

Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Youth Marijuana Use Hasn’t Gone Up in States Like Colorado According to official statistics, Colorado shows increase in teen use since before legalization; 18-25 year old rate and overall 12 and older rate also up Contact: Anisha Gianchandani +1 (703) 828-8182 [Alexandria, VA] – Despite claims to the contrary […]

New Study Finds More Marijuana Use, Higher Rates of Marijuana Addiction in States With Medical Marijuana Laws

New Study Finds More Marijuana Use, Higher Rates of Marijuana Addiction in States With Medical Marijuana Laws Contact: Anisha Gianchandani +1 (703) 828-8182 [Alexandria, VA, April 26, 2017] – A new study released today by JAMA Psychiatry found that rates of marijuana use and marijuana addiction increased significantly more in states that passed medical […]

National Leaders and Elected Officials Gather in Atlanta to Coordinate Opposition to Marijuana Legalization in America

National Leaders and Elected Officials Gather in Atlanta to Coordinate Opposition to Marijuana Legalization in America Contact: Anisha Gianchandani +1 (703) 828-8182 [Alexandria, VA, April 20, 2017] – Today, a group of national drug policy leaders, elected officials, and public health experts convened in Atlanta to coordinate the opposition to marijuana legalization in the […]

Marijuana Legalization Bills Defeated in Maryland

Marijuana Legalization Bills Defeated in Maryland Marijuana Legalization Proposals Die in Committee Contact: Anisha Gianchandani +1 (703) 828-8182 [Alexandria, VA, April 12, 2017] – Yesterday, an alliance of concerned citizens, public health experts, and safety officials soundly defeated two marijuana legalization bills in Maryland. The bills, which would have permitted commercial pot shops in […]