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SAM Action to Investigate Campaign Contributions of Signatories to Rep. Rohrabacher’s Marijuana Appropriations Letter

SAM Action to Investigate Campaign Contributions of Signatories to Rep. Rohrabacher’s Marijuana Appropriations Letter Contact: Anisha Gianchandani +1 (703) 828-8182 [Alexandria, VA, March 27, 2017] – Today, Smart Approaches to Marijuana Action (SAM Action), a national organization dedicated to advancing evidence-based marijuana laws, announced plans to investigate all signatories to Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)’s […]

Marijuana Legalization Bill Defeated in New Hampshire

Marijuana Legalization Bill Defeated in New Hampshire Senate Marijuana Legalization Proposal Dies in 19-4 Vote Contact: Anisha Gianchandani +1 (703) 828-8182 [Alexandria, VA, March 17, 2017] – Yesterday, a coalition of public health experts, elected officials, educators, and concerned citizens soundly defeated Senate Bill 233 in a 19-4 vote in New Hampshire, which would […]

President Trump’s New Budget Blueprint Retains White House Office of National Drug Control Policy

President Trump’s New Budget Blueprint Retains White House Office of National Drug Control Policy Contact: Anisha Gianchandani +1 (703) 828-8182 [Alexandria, VA, March 16, 2017] — Today, SAM President Kevin Sabet commented on President Trump’s 2018 Budget Blueprint that retains the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) as a critical office […]

Concerned Citizens and Officials Launch Initiative to Oppose Marijuana Legalization in Rhode Island

  Concerned Citizens and Elected Officials Join to Oppose Marijuana Legalization in Rhode Island, Launch Provocative New Ad Campaign Targeting Marijuana Legalization Proposals  “Are We Sure?” Media Campaign Raises Questions About Unintended Consequences of Legalization, Lifts “Smokescreen” Created by Special Interest Groups Targeting Rhode Island Contact: Anisha Gianchandani +1 (703) 828-8182 [Providence, RI, March […]

SAM Statement on Sean Spicer’s Comments

  Statement From SAM President Kevin Sabet Regarding White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s Comments on Marijuana Laws Contact: Anisha Gianchandani +1 (703) 828-8182 [Alexandria, VA] –  Today, Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) issued the following statement in response to comments made by Sean Spicer, President Trump’s Press Secretary: “The current situation is unsustainable. […]

Coalition Sends Letter In Support of ONDCP

Today, a wide coalition of hundreds of organizations representing former and current federal, state, and local officials, hundreds of community-based organizations, and tens of thousands of people working in drug prevention, drug treatment, drug treatment courts, mental health, recovery, medicine, law enforcement, and millions of individuals in recovery, sent a letter to OMB Director Mick […]

New Study Finds Marijuana Abuse Linked to Suicide Attempts by Iraq/Afghanistan-Era Veterans

New Study Finds Marijuana Abuse Linked to Suicide Attempts by Iraq/Afghanistan-Era Veterans Study shows strong, statistically significant link between marijuana use disorder and suicide attempts, even after controlling for PTSD, depression, alcohol abuse, and other drug addictions Contact: Anisha Gianchandani +1 (703) 828-8182 [Alexandria, VA] – A recent study published by the Journal of […]

National Academies of Sciences Releases Report on Science Surrounding Marijuana Use; Finds Multiple Harms

First NAS report on marijuana since 1999 finds marijuana especially damaging for psychosis, driving safety, progression to other drugs, learning, pregnancy; says state-based legalization connected to injuries among kids   [WASHINGTON, DC] – The National Academy of Sciences (NAS), in a landmark report written by top scientists, The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids: Current State […]

National Survey Shows Colorado Still #1 State in the Country for Marijuana Use; 18-25 year old use rate skyrocketing

Colorado shows increase in teen use since before legalization; 18-25 year old rate and overall 12 and older rate also up     [WASHINGTON, DC] – The nation’s only representative sample of people in U.S households release special state data today finding increases in marijuana use not seen in a national school survey (Monitoring the […]

U.S. Student Drug Survey: Marijuana Use Remains Strong Despite Drops in Other Drug Use

States with Lax Marijuana Laws Also Show Higher Marijuana “Edible” Use than Other States   [WASHINGTON, DC] – The nation’s annual school survey of drug use, Monitoring the Future (MTF), shows marijuana use among adolescents, including heavy marijuana use, remaining stubbornly high and higher than ten years ago — despite reductions across the board among other drugs. Past […]

SAM Addresses Vatican Summit on Drug Use Hosted by Pope Francis

Event underscores Papal opposition to drug legalization and embrace of balanced drug policies   For Immediate Release November 23, 2016 [VATICAN CITY] — By special invitation from Pope Francis I, Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) is in Vatican City this week to address a conference organized by the Pontifical Academies of Sciences entitled “Workshop on […]

New Surgeon General’s Report Highlights Dangers of Marijuana Use

The new data confirms mounting body of scientific evidence highlighting problems with rising marijuana use; SAM Honorary Advisor Patrick Kennedy to speak as part of report’s official release   For Immediate Release November 17, 2016                                         […]