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SAM Announces Local Control Resource Center to Aid Nationwide Opt-Out Movement

Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) announced the rollout its Local Control Resource Center, the second wave of its initiative aiding communities looking to exert local control by banning commercial marijuana operations. “Our ‘Towns and Cities Initiative’ arms local communities with the resources they need to keep their neighborhoods free of marijuana shops and large scale […]

SAM Calls on State Governors to Close Marijuana Stores to Mitigate COVID-19 Harms

Dr. Kevin Sabet, president of Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM), released the following statement urging state governors to close marijuana storefronts in attempts to both prevent the spread of COVID-19 and help mitigate potential harms to public health: “We are in contact with numerous governors across the country and have a simple message for them: […]

COVID-19 and Marijuana: What You Need to Know

SAM STATEMENT ON COVID-19 COVID-19 has rapidly spread throughout the world and though there is some confusion about the details of the disease and its spread, one thing is certain: there are populations within the United States that are particularly vulnerable. Among these vulnerable populations, reports the National Institutes on Health and National Institute on […]

House Veterans’ Affairs Committee Marks Up Medical Marijuana Bills

Today, the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee marked up and voted on two bills related to veterans and marijuana: one sponsored by Representative Lou Correa (D-CA) on expanding research on marijuana and its components to find new FDA-approved medicines, and another sponsored by Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) that would allow VA doctors to issue medical marijuana […]

Boston’s First Marijuana Store Opens; Highlights Failure of Promises of Social Equity

Today, the first marijuana storefront in Boston, Massachusetts opens its doors. The marijuana storefront opens roughly a year and a half since “legal” sales began in Massachusetts. Notably, the store is the first to be opened as a part of the state’s social equity program.   Dr. Kevin Sabet, president of Smart Approaches to Marijuana […]

Vermont House Approves Bill Instituting Commercial Marijuana Sales; Public Health and Safety Groups Urge Governor Phil Scott to Veto

After several years of forceful lobbying by the marijuana industry, a bill to approve the commercial sales of marijuana was narrowly passed by the Vermont House of Representatives. Public health and safety experts from Vermont and across the nation now turn to Governor Phil Scott in the hope that he will veto the bill. The […]

Doctors, Educators, Parents, and Medical Professionals in “Legal” Marijuana States Request Meeting with Governor Andrew Cuomo

In response to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s announcement he will visit legalized marijuana states, SAM led a coalition letter to Governor Cuomo requesting a meeting to discuss key issues related to marijuana. The letter, signed by medical professionals, educators, scientific researchers, prevention and substance abuse workers, individuals in recovery, and parents, invites the governor to speak […]

Doctors, Educators, Parents, and Medical Professionals in “Legal” Marijuana States Request Meeting with Governor Andrew Cuomo

Today, responding to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s announcement he will visit legalized marijuana states, Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM), the leading non-profit organization opposed to the expansion of the marijuana industry, led a coalition letter to Governor Cuomo requesting a meeting to discuss key issues related to marijuana. The letter, signed by medical professionals, educators, scientific […]

SAM Launches New Resource Exposing Addiction Investments in Big Marijuana

Today, as a part of its ongoing effort to expose Big Tobacco and other predatory industries rushing to take over the commercial marijuana industry, Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) released a new webpage focused on laying out the many investments made into Big Marijuana from addiction-for-profit conglomerates, as well as highlighting the former federal lawmakers […]

Poll Finds Majority of Voters in Long Island Senate Districts Oppose Marijuana Commercialization

An Emerson College poll of the six New York State Senate Districts of Long Island found that 64.6 percent of constituents of Senators Monica Martinez, James Gaughran, Kevin Thomas, Anna Kaplan, John Brooks, and Todd Kaminsky support polices other than marijuana commercialization when presented with the full spectrum of options. All told, only 35% of […]

SAM Launches “Towns and Cities Initiative”

Today, Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM), the leading national non-profit group dedicated to opposing the commercial, addiction-for-profit marijuana industry, announced the expansion of its efforts to assist local communities in pushing back against marijuana commercialization. SAM’s “Towns and Cities Initiative” will help localities opt-out of marijuana stores, assist with complex legal and zoning issues, and […]

Twelve Members of the U.S. House of Representatives Thank Senator Mike Crapo For Putting Public Health Considerations Ahead of Marijuana Banking Push

Today, twelve members of the United States House of Representatives sent a letter to Senate Banking Committee Chairman Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) thanking him for addressing public health concerns in the consideration over the SAFE Banking Act, a bill to grant the marijuana industry access to the federal financial system. “We understand you have received significant […]