Where are marijuana stores allowed in CO?

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Nine cities in Colorado allow recreational marijuana sales, including the first and third largest cities by population (Denver and Aurora) and 23 cities prohibit or have moratoria on recreational sales.  However, using the 2010 census data and this map, about 1.1 million citizens live in cities where recreational sales are allowed whereas about 1.4 million live […]

Major National Poll Finds Support for Legalization Down 10% Since 2013

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Major National Poll Finds Support for Legalization Down 10% Since 2013 Public Religion Research Institute Poll, funded by the Ford Foundation and the Nathan Cummings Foundation, finds only 44% of Americans now support legalization, down from 51% in 2013. Opposition at 50%. WASHINGTON- Coming off of a Suffolk University/USA Today poll finding only 46% of […]

Colorado Voters Turning Against Marijuana Legalization

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Colorado Voters Turning Against Marijuana Legalization Suffolk University/USA Today poll finds support for legalization plummets 17% among Colorado voters DENVER– In the first indication of a backlash brewing in Colorado against legal pot, a Suffolk University/USA Today poll finds that now only 46% of likely voters support Amendment 64, the constitutional amendment legalizing and commercializing […]

Colorado Voters Turning Against Marijuana Legalization

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Suffolk University/USA Today poll finds support for legalization plummets 17% among Colorado voters DENVER– In the first indication of a backlash brewing in Colorado against legal pot, a Suffolk University/USA Today poll finds that now only 46% of likely voters support Amendment 64, the constitutional amendment legalizing and commercializing marijuana. 50% of likely voters oppose […]

Marijuana Use Is Going Up – Despite Reports

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This past week, the annual HHS National Survey on Drug Use and Health was released. This report asks people in households about their drug use. It focuses on the age group of 12 and over, and breaks down categories among people ages 12-to-17, 18-to-25 and 26 and older. The Washington Post and other sources reported […]

Colorado SAM, doctors call on Denver Post and Leafly to end unfounded medical claims

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“Green Crack” marijuana can treat depression, PTSD, Bipolar Disorder, and ADHD according to The Denver Post’s marijuana website, The Cannabist. Green Crack marijuana is just one of more than 90 marijuana strains listed with medical recommendations for treating mental health issues that are provided by Lealfy, the same company that became the New York Times’ […]

SAM calls for White House, DOJ, SAMHSA, FDA to stop ignoring marijuana issue; host summit with public health researchers

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SAM Co-Founder Patrick Kennedy asks President Barack Obama to round up federal agencies and shine spotlight on mental, physical harms of marijuana.

SAM NY opposes medical marijuna compromise, commends governor holding firm against smoking

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ALBANY–  The New York Affiliate of Project SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana), a nonpartisan alliance of lawmakers, scientists and other concerned citizens, coordinated by Dr. Jeffrey Reynolds of the Long Island Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (LICADD) and chaired nationally by former Congressman Patrick J. Kennedy, expressed concern today that the New York State […]

SAM applauds DOJ, U.S. Sentencing Commission call to reduce sentences for some drug offenders

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WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Justice Department’s support for a reduction in sentences for nonviolent drug offenders is a step in the right direction — and one that shows marijuana legalization is unnecessary to reform any problematic drug laws, says Smart Approaches to Marijuana (Project SAM), a national, volunteer nonprofit co-founded by former U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy.

SAM applauds CBD agreement between State of N.Y., maker of medicine for children with severe epilepsy

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ALBANY, N.Y. — The New York affiliate of Project SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana) and a nonpartisan alliance of lawmakers, scientists and other concerned citizens coordinated by Dr. Jeffrey Reynolds of the Long Island Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (LICADD) and chaired nationally by former U.S. Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy, applaud today the State […]

After 5 months of sales, Colorado sees downside of legal highs

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DENVER — Five months after Colorado became the first state to allow recreational marijuana sales, the battle over legalization is still raging. Law enforcement officers in Colorado and neighboring states, emergency room doctors and legalization opponents increasingly are highlighting a series of recent problems as cautionary lessons for other states flirting with loosening marijuana laws.

SAM applauds unprecedented agreement between Georgia, manufacturer of CBD medicine

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The State of Georgia and GW Pharmaceuticals have forged an unprecedented agreement that is a smart, compassionate way to ensure children with intractable epilepsy receive a new medication based on a non-intoxicating component of cannabis.

We need more accurate marijuana news

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The world of marijuana is changing. And that means the world of marijuana-related news stories is also changing. With two states having legalized the drug, there is certainly a lot to write and talk about.

Patrick Kennedy speaks to Global News BC1

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SAM’s Chairman, Patrick Kennedy, speaks to Global News BC1 in Vancouver about the dangers of marijuana use and legalization.

Patrick Kennedy and Christopher Kennedy Lawford on Hardball with Chris Matthews

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Patrick Kennedy and Christopher Kennedy Lawford join Chris Matthews for a second time to discuss marijuana legalization in the United States.

Kevin Sabet on Fox News’ O’Reilly Factor

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SAM’s Director, Kevin Sabet, joins Bill O’Reilly to discuss marijuana legalization in the United States.

Christopher Kennedy Lawford & Patrick Kennedy talk Recovery on “Hardball with Chris Matthews”

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SAM’s Board Member, Christopher Kennedy Lawford and Chairman, Patrick Kennedy, join Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s Hardball to discuss recovery.

Sen. Collins (R-ME) poses a question about FDA-approved marijuana-based medicines

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Following consultation with Project SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana) and Dr. Kevin Sabet, Senator Susan Collins of Maine asks FDA Commissioner, Margaret Hamburg, about the development of FDA-approved marijuana-based medicines.    

SAM’s 4/20 Report Card: Colorado

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We hope you’ll review SAM’s 4/20 Report Card: Colorado. This document, culled from many public records, prevents early data revealing troubling developments in that state.

Kennedy Briefs Admin Officials at Camp David; SAM Releases 4/20 Report Card on Colorado

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SAM CHAIRMAN PATRICK KENNEDY BRIEFS ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS AT CAMP DAVID ON TROUBLING DATA FROM COLORADO New report released by SAM reveals problems with legalization, including increased marijuana positives among employees, marijuana advertisements, new data on marijuana’s effects on the brain, and tobacco company interest in marijuana e-cigarettes. DENVER, CO – Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) […]

Save the Date!

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SAM is happy to announce that it will hold its first annual National Marijuana Action Summit this summer! July 19-20 at the Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek Preceding the CADCA Mid-Year Training Institute Click here to see why your sector should attend! Visit midyear.cadca.org/samsummit for more details! Speakers include: Patrick Kennedy Dr. Kevin Sabet David Frum […]

David Frum: Don’t Go to Pot

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Commentary: Don’t Go To Pot The 50 states are sometimes called “laboratories of democracy”. Although the expression is intended to highlight in flattering terms how innovative they can be, it also suggests that the states’ political experiments can and do fail. In the event of failure, the hope must be that damage can be stopped […]