
President Carter opposes marijuana legalization, supports Project SAM
May 17, 2013At meeting with state legislators in Atlanta, Ga., today, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter said the dichotomy of “punishment versus rehabilitation” oversimplifies the issue of marijuana legalization. He said he worries about legal marijuana being marketed to kids; presumes marijuana revenues will be outweighed by the costs of abuse; and favors arrests for users that […]

The real skinny on SAM: a response to Maia Szalavitz
February 5, 2013Columnist Maia Szalavitz devoted 1000 words on last week to single-handedly bash a project she clearly does not know much about.

Tired of the loaded language? So are we.
January 18, 2013Two members of SAM’s board of directors, Kevin Sabet and David Frum, have been named “legalization’s biggest enemies” by Rolling Stone.

Frum on CNN: Marijuana too risky a choice
January 7, 2013Last week, I joined the board of a new organization to oppose marijuana legalization: Smart Approaches to Marijuana. The group is headed by former U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy and includes Kevin Sabet, a veteran of the Office of National Drug Control Policy under President Obama. The new group rejects the “war on drugs” model. It […]

Former U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy leads campaign against legal pot
January 5, 2013As Alex Dobuzinskis of Reuters reports today in the first news story about Project SAM: