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More news on non-rescheduling decision from DEA

Today, multiple news outlets quoted SAM after the DEA announcement denying the rescheduling of marijuana and increasing research opportunities. DEA Administrator Chuck Rosenberg, in an unprecedented move, wrote a lengthy letter to the Governors of Washington and Rhode Island explaining the Administration’s decision. More news coverage from today: Obama Administration Set to Remove Barrier to […]

Federal Government Facilitates Legitimate Research on Marijuana, Keeps Drug in Schedule I

For Immediate Release August 11, 2016                                                   Contact: Jeffrey Zinsmeister (703) 665-1410    Federal Government Facilitates Legitimate Research on Marijuana,  Keeps the Drug in Schedule I   (Alexandria, VA) – In […]

Two Pieces of Bad News about Pot Legalization — Rates of Marijuana Poisoning Skyrocket Among Colorado Kids & Stoned Driving Increases in Washington Since “Retail Legalization”

  Two Pieces of Bad News about Pot Legalization —  Rates of Marijuana Poisoning Skyrocket Among Colorado Kids & Stoned Driving Increases in Washington Since “Retail Legalization” July 25, 2016 (Alexandria, VA) – Two significant studies released this weekend showed the continuing problems of legalized marijuana in Colorado and Washington State. The first study, published in the […]

New Data Shows Colorado Youth Marijuana Use on the Rise Since Legalization

New Data Shows Colorado Youth Marijuana Use on the Rise Since Legalization June 20, 2016   (Alexandria, VA) – A new state-funded report out of Colorado today found that marijuana use among high school students is on the rise in Colorado since legalization, while youth cigarette use has declined. This rise is a result of […]

SAM Applauds Bi-Partisan Legislation for Legitimate Medical Marijuana Research

SAM Applauds Bi-Partisan Legislation for Legitimate Medical Marijuana Research   MEDS Act promotes FDA-compliant medical research of marijuana   June 20, 2016 (Alexandria, VA)– Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) applauds U.S. Senators Brian Schatz (D-HI), Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Thom Tillis (R-NC), and Chris Coons (D-DE) for introducing the Marijuana Effective Drug Studies (MEDS) Act of […]

Legalized Marijuana States Excluded From State Level CDC Survey; National Level Survey Consistent with Prior Studies

Legalized Marijuana States Excluded From State Level CDC Survey; National Level Survey Consistent with Prior Studies   Legalized states of Colorado, Oregon, and Washington are not included in statewide results of Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System study; Colorado still top youth marijuana using state in the country   [WASHINGTON, DC] – The new 2015 state-level Centers for […]

Despite study, marijuana still linked with problems among teenagers

Earlier this week, the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (JAACAP), released a study that claims a 24 percent decline in marijuana-related problems among teenagers, such as becoming dependent on the drug or having trouble in school and in relationships. The researchers also claim there is an association between drops in problems […]

More Black and Hispanic youth arrested for marijuana after Colorado legalization

More Black and Hispanic youth arrested for marijuana after Colorado legalization   Pot-related arrests of Black youth jump 58%; arrests of Hispanic kids rise 29% May 20, 2016   [WASHINGTON, DC] – A recent report from the Colorado Department of Public Safety reveals that marijuana-related arrests of Black and Hispanic youth increased sharply in the two […]

Marijuana Legalization Fails in Vermont House of Representatives

Marijuana Legalization Fails in Vermont House of Representatives   In a key victory over marijuana lobbying money, public health advocates defeat legalization and commercialization push   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 3, 2016   Contact: Jeffrey Zinsmeister +1 (415) 680-3993   [MONTPELIER, VT] – A coalition of public health advocates in Vermont defeated a legislative marijuana legalization effort […]

Statement from SAM Canada on the Canadian Statement to the UN General Assembly on April 20, 2016

Statement from SAM Canada on the Canadian Statement to the UN General Assembly on April 20, 2016 Contact Pamela McColl We are greatly disappointed that Canada used its precious time on the global stage to promote the legalization – and thus commercialization – of cannabis. This statement sent a powerful message from our […]

Let’s Be Clear Georgia and its Partners Score a Win with the Georgia General Assembly

STATEMENT ON GEORGIA VICTORY: For the past several months the majority of Let’s Be Clear Georgia activity has focused on “medical” marijuana legislation in the Georgia General Assembly. Let’s Be Clear Georgia’s over 300 collaborative members, staff and board, partnering with National Families in Action, the Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council of Georgia (PACG), the Faith and Freedom Coalition of Georgia, […]

Statement on Drug Caucus Hearing From SAM Honorary Advisor Patrick J. Kennedy and SAM President Kevin Sabet

Statement from SAM Honorary Advisor  Patrick J. Kennedy and SAM President Kevin Sabet Today, former Congressman Patrick J. Kennedy, SAM Honorary Advisor, and SAM President Kevin Sabet released a statement on the hearing today held by the Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control, “Is the Department of Justice Adequately Protecting the Public from the Impact of […]