SAM in the Press

American Family News: Legal doesn’t equate to good if marijuana measure wins in Florida

The ballot measure voters will see Nov. 5 is known as Amendment 3. If it receives enough “yes” votes, adults 21 and older can legally possess up to three ounces of marijuana. A “no” vote opposes legalizing marijuana for adult use in Florida. “Smoking and using marijuana is not safe at all,” Luke Niforatos, of Smart […]

Trump signals support for reclassifying pot as a less dangerous drug, in line with Harris’ position

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump has signaled support for a potentially historic federal policy shift to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug, putting his position in line with that of his Democratic opponent, Kamala Harris. The commonality reflects a major shift toward broad public support for legalization in recent years and marks the first time that both major-party presidential […]

Washington Post: Trump signals support for Biden plan to loosen marijuana restrictions

The former president suggests he wants to see marijuana reclassified as a Schedule III drug, the first time Trump has endorsed the easing of federal restrictions. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has expressed support for loosening federal restrictions on marijuana, aligning himself with the Biden administration’s ongoing efforts to do exactly that. In a social media post Sunday, Trump […]

Atlanta company pulls free cannabis products promotion after Channel 2 Action News investigation

ATLANTA — An Atlanta-based parking company is under fire for a controversial promotion giving away free cannabis products. Channel 2 investigative reporter Ashli Lincoln got action from the company. ParkMobile sent out emails offering a gift card that could be used at several places. One of them is Five CBD, an online store that sells Delta […]

Parking app used by Little Rock, Fayetteville removes cannabis rewards

A national parking service provider that operates in Little Rock, Fayetteville and elsewhere in the state has directed its rewards program to remove cannabis products from its available rewards.  ParkMobile, which allows users in cities across the country to pay for parking on streets or in lots through a smartphone app, provides users with rewards […]

Davidson on North Dakota Marijuana measure:

Listen to the entire radio segment here:

Marijuana could be rescheduled: Breaking down what this means for Virginia

The federal government is looking at rescheduling cannabis, meaning fewer restrictions for the plant and the industry. The proposal received thousands of comments and now experts are weighing in.  According to the DEA, the drugs currently are classified on a scale of one to five. President of Smart Approaches to Marijuana, Dr. Kevin Sabet, said rescheduling […]

Denver urges federal government to reschedule marijuana

City submitted its official public comment as federal officials move toward rescheduling marijuana from schedule I to schedule III drug As the federal government takes steps toward rescheduling marijuana, Denver wants to make sure it’s part of the conversation. Before the federal government can reschedule marijuana, it must go through a lengthy rulemaking process, which […]

The Times of London: I know cannabis isn’t safe: it made me stab my friend to death

A woman in California who became a killer while gripped by psychosis says companies selling the drug legally are hiding the truth about its effects When Bryn Spejcher watched the police bodycam footage, she did not recognise the woman she saw. The 33-year-old saw herself, deranged and frenzied, stabbing her body and then her service […]

NPHO partners with Arkansans to file committee to protect kids against marijuana addiction

The National Public Health Organization has announced a partnership with Arkansans to protect children against marijuana addiction-for-profit industry.  Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) action joins local residents to establish the “Protect Arkansas Kids” Committee to oppose the state’s marijuana commercialization ballot measure. Protect Arkansas Kids and Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) Action launched today to […]

Anti-marijuana group says it will fight medical marijuana amendment

A national group that worked to defeat a recreational cannabis measure in Arkansas two years ago announced today it will oppose a proposed expansion of the state’s medical marijuana program this year.  Smart Approaches to Marijuana said in an email today that it formed a committee called “Protect Arkansas Kids” to oppose the Arkansas Medical Marijuana […]

Bill puts marijuana pipe dreams before NC health and safety

Marijuana isn’t medicine. So says the FDA, the AMA, and countless other medical and scientific professionals. The North Carolina Medical Society announced they have “not supported the legalization of medical marijuana,” yet out-of-touch legislators in Raleigh are again trying to legalize so-called “medical marijuana.” And this time they’ve paired it with a radical legalization of other dangerous, […]

Sabet in Newsweek: Marijuana Rescheduling Is High-Risk, Low-Reward

As the Biden administration attempts to move full speed ahead in its efforts to loosen federal restrictions around marijuana, Americans should avail themselves of the opportunity to make their voices heard. Given the pot and tobacco industry’s long history of spreading misinformation and downplaying the harms associated with high-potency psychoactive THC drugs, we need to […]

BBC: Maryland governor forgives thousands of marijuana-related convictionsBBC:

The governor of the US state of Maryland has pardoned 175,000 people convicted of cannabis offences. Listen to the interview HERE.

Sabet on FOX News: ‘We need to be careful about mass marijuana commercialization’

Smart Approaches to Marijuana CEO Dr. Kevin Sabet responds to comments from Kamala Harris on marijuana and addresses various concerns with the drug. Watch the video here:

Sabet: Cannabis industry is about money, not medicine

Biden administration’s recent move to reschedule marijuana could be a big gift The Biden administration’s recent move to reschedule marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III has been drawing criticism from activists on both sides of the issue. For those focused on science and medical efficacy, it’s a move that fails to recognize the growing […]

Easing federal marijuana rules: There’s still a long way to go

Nearly three weeks after the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration proposed loosening a federal prohibition on marijuana, the next phases of policy fights over the drug’s status are starting to take shape. Public comments, which the government is accepting on the proposal until mid-July, will likely include an analysis of the economic impact of more lenient […]

Conference Committee Reaches Deal on Legal Weed; Will it Pass the House?

Defying political expectations, House and Senate negotiators signed off on a deal to legalize recreational marijuana in New Hampshire, making the Granite State the last New England state to allow legal weed. “I’m going to vote against it, but I am going to sign it,” Senate President Jeb Bradley, the upper chamber’s lead negotiator, told […]

Marijuana reclassification: How the change in drug laws impacts Arizona

This week, the federal government made the formal move to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug, and it seems people agree, after a new study found more Americans are using marijuana daily. So how would this change in marijuana drug laws impact Phoenix? The reclassification wouldn’t just cut taxes for Mint Cannabis. Molina says it would […]

It’s frustrating when naysayers deny the data 

Listen to the interview here:

Exposing Colorado’s psychedelic conflicts of interest

As Colorado develops its regulatory framework for the psychedelics industry, we now see that it is being undermined by many of the same competing interests that have taken hold of the state’s profit-driven THC drug and marijuana industry. Read the entire article HERE.