SAM in the Press

Kevin Sabet on NPR’s On Point

SAM President Kevin Sabet went live with NPR’s Tom Ashbrook for Tuesday’s “On Point” marijuana piece, discussing federal guidance and common-sense approaches to marijuana policy. Listen here.

SAM pushes back in Nevada

On Monday, SAM held a press call for Nevada media, urging Nevada regulators to slow down, consider the consequences of legal pot in other states like Colorado, and implement safeguards. We were featured in news outlets including Nevada Public Radio and The Nevada Independent.

SAM President Kevin Sabet goes live with BNN

SAM President Kevin Sabet went live with Canada’s Business News Network (BNN) this week, arguing that North Americans don’t need another Big Tobacco – we already saw one lie to us for decades. Watch here.

Kevin Sabet comments for Las Vegas Review-Journal

SAM President Kevin Sabet commented for Las Vegas Review-Journal over the weekend, arguing that Nevadans should start examining the costs of marijuana legalization and spend more time putting safeguards into place. You can read the full piece here.

SAM President Kevin Sabet Pens Op-ed for CNBC on Failed Promises of Legal Pot

SAM President Kevin Sabet wrote an op-ed for CNBC arguing the commercial marijuana industry hasn’t lived up to its promises, and that by reasserting federal control over the exploding marijuana industry, we can prevent the commercialization of a drug that will put profits over public health – Read the full piece here.

SAM President Kevin Sabet for The Hill

SAM President Kevin Sabet penned a new piece for The Hill, explaining why the Rohrabacher-Blumenauer amendment would benefit criminal organizations. Read it here.

SAM President Dr. Kevin Sabet on NPR Chicago

SAM President Dr. Kevin Sabet went live on NPR Chicago this morning. Take a listen to his complete rundown on marijuana policy (including legalization’s worsening impact on racial disparity, and why legalizing marijuana won’t make Illinois richer) here.