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New Peer-Reviewed Study: Marijuana Use After Legalization in Washington State Increased Significantly Among Pregnant and Parenting Women

Contact: SAM Press Office/Luke Niforatos            FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE; 303-335-7584              December 13, 2017 Marijuana use at exit from the Parent-Child Assistance Program (PCAP) increased significantly after marijuana legalization in WA (December 13, 2017 – Alexandria, VA) – A new peer-reviewed study about to be […]

NEW POLL REPORTED IN WASHINGTON POST: Support for Legalization Falls When Voters Have More Choices

As reported today in the Washington Post:   Wonkblog By Keith Humphreys December 12 at 6:30 AM The proportion of Americans who express support for marijuana legalization in opinion polls has risen sharply over the past decade from the low 30s to as high as 60 percent. But a new poll shows that what Americans who support “marijuana legalization” […]

NEW STATE DATA: Legalization States Show Higher Marijuana Use Versus U.S. As A Whole

Statement on NSDUH State Estimates 2015-2016 New Federal Data Show Legalized States Marijuana Use At Alarming Rates; Colorado Now Top State in US for First-Time Marijuana Users Other legal states also show alarming increases in use The average rate of regular teen marijuana use in the legalized states of Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington is […]

Prosecuting Attorneys Unite Against Legalized Marijuana – ‘The War On Drugs Is Not Over’

WFYI Indianapolis Reports: The Indiana Prosecuting Attorneys Council Wednesday delivered a firm warning to state lawmakers about marijuana legalization. Leaders of the council say they’ll fight any legislation to legalize marijuana in the state, whether it’s for recreational or medical use. They levied a slew of arguments against legalization – that it functions as a […]

Marijuana in Indiana: Battle lines drawn for 2018 legislative session

The Indy Channel reports: INDIANAPOLIS — The Association of Indiana Prosecuting Attorney’s are taking a stand against the proposed legalization of marijuana in the state. The group gathered with representatives from the Indiana Chamber and local law enforcement to share their message on Wednesday. Several bills regarding the legalization of marijuana are currently proposed to […]

NEW EMERSON COLLEGE POLL: Support for pot legalization in New York falls 20 percentage points when respondents are given choice of decriminalization

NEW EMERSON COLLEGE POLL:  Support for pot legalization in New York falls 20 percentage points when respondents are given choice of decriminalization SAM Action-commissioned poll used same college pollster as Marijuana Policy Project and Drug Policy Alliance; finds support falls dramatically when New Yorkers are offered alternatives to legalization (December 4, 2017 – New York, […]

Amid talk of legalizing marijuana, one expert says ‘slow down’ reports: Sabet, an author, consultant, and former adviser to three U.S. presidential administrations, is taking part in a statewide effort to push for responsible marijuana policies. He said the marijuana industry has the potential to be the next Big Tobacco — “another legal industry that relies on addiction for profits.” He argued that when companies are […]

Smart Approaches to Marijuana Launches National Driving Campaign “High Means DUI”

  SAM Launches National Campaign “High Means DUI” to Raise Awareness on the Harms of Driving While High and Support Pro-Active Legislation                              Local Contact: Dana Stevens 760-317-6716 National Contact: (SAN DIEGO) – SAM, Smart Approaches to Marijuana, a 501 c-3 nonprofit […]

National Marijuana Policy Organization Applauds Veto of Marijuana Legalization in Maine

Legislation would have permitted pot clubs and could have allowed minors inside retail pot shops   November 3, 2017   CONTACT: SAM Action Press Office Alexandria, VA – Leading national marijuana policy group Smart Approaches to Marijuana Action (SAM Action), fresh off an open letter campaign to Governor Paul LePage, is applauding the governor today for vetoing […]

SAM Applauds FDA Action on Medical Pot Companies Making Dishonest Medical Claims

SAM and partners have been urging action;  FDA sends warning letters to four companies today   (Alexandria, Va., November 1, 2017) – Today, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced it was sending warning letters to companies illegally selling marijuana products with unsubstantiated medical claims. SAM and its partners have written to FDA numerous times over […]

SAM President Kevin Sabet’s Canadian Media Tour

Last week, SAM President Dr. Kevin Sabet traveled to Ottawa to testify to Canada’s House of Commons Standing Committee on Health. Dr. Sabet voiced concern about marijuana legalization in Canada, highlighting the negative public health and safety consequences of marijuana legalization in U.S. states like Colorado, Oregon, and Washington. Prior to giving testimony, Dr. Sabet […]

New National Report Shows Rise in Prevalence and Intensity of Marijuana Use

National Survey Shows Soaring Marijuana Use Among All Americans 12 and Older; Heavy Use Also on the Rise National survey highlights jump in pot use among young adults in era of marijuana legalization; Almost twice as many adolescents regularly use marijuana than cigarettes   (Alexandria, Va., September 7, 2017) – Every day, 7,000 new people […]