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California Governor Vetos Bill Allowing Pot Shops To Deduct Expenses From Taxes

Yesterday, Governor Jerry Brown vetoed a bill that would have allowed marijuana operations in the state to deduct business expenses from their state taxes, effectively allowing them greater movement to to advertise, promote, and commercialize their products. Smart Approaches to Marijuana founder and president, Dr. Kevin Sabet, released the following statement: “Governor Brown did the […]

New HHS Survey: Heavy Marijuana Use Skyrocketing; Youth in Late Teens Using More Marijuana Now Than Any Time in Recent History

There are now twice as many daily or near daily marijuana users in the US than just a decade ago, according to the most comprehensive survey on drug use released today by the federal government. There are also now 8,300 new marijuana users each day, and 22% of 18 to 25 year olds are currently […]

New Data Out of Colorado Show Harsh Reality of Marijuana Legalization

Today, a new Colorado report compiled by the Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area finds marijuana-positive traffic fatalities, hospitalizations, marijuana use, and illegal market activity have increased since marijuana legalization. “We should pump the brakes on marijuana legalization, slow down, and consider these implications before opening the door for the next Big Tobacco,” said […]

SEPTEMBER: Celebrate National Recovery Month With The SAM Toolkit

September is National Recovery Month. We at SAM celebrate this month with the whole country. It is a time to remind everyone that marijuana use disorder is real, and recovery happens. SAM is proud to release this toolkit to help in your work. Some key facts to share on social media: Big Pharma is eyeing […]

National Recovery Month by Justin Luke Riley

Every September, our country celebrates National Recovery Month, a time to show that people do recover and move on with their lives. As I write this blog I am actually landing in Sacramento to join recovery advocates from all over the state of California. This trip, like many others, will include me speaking on strategies […]

Altria/Philip Morris/Big Tobacco Investing in Marijuana

During an interview with Barclays Investments on September 5, 2018, tobacco industry executives from Altria (the parent company of tobacco giant Philip Morris) indicated their interest in taking advantage of marijuana as a new product line: Gaurav Jain (Barclays) There has been quite a bit of interest in the cannabis space, especially given recent news […]

California Bill Would Skyrocket Kid-Friendly Marijuana Advertising

On Tuesday, the California Legislature passed a bill that would allow marijuana operations in the state the capability to deduct business expenses from their state taxes. Smart Approaches to Marijuana Action founder and president, Dr. Kevin Sabet, released the following statement: “Pot businesses should not be allowed to deduct advertising and other expenses that boost […]

American Academy of Pediatrics Urges Pregnant and Nursing Mothers to Avoid Marijuana Use

In response to growing evidence that more pregnant and breastfeeding women are using marijuana and concerns about the potential risks to developing fetuses and infants, the American Academy of Pediatrics (A.A.P.) released a recommendation this week that women avoid the drug altogether when they are pregnant or breast-feeding. Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) president, Dr. […]

New Study on Marijuana Use by Children Uses Data From Before Recreational Legalization

(Alexandria, VA) – Today, the results of a study conducted by Healthy Kids California was released purporting to show that marijuana legalization has not led to an increase in youth use of marijuana. Smart Approaches to Marijuana president and founder Dr. Kevin Sabet released the following statement: “The reality is the majority of the data […]

New Report: Two-Thirds of DUIs in Colorado Test Positive for Marijuana

More than half admit marijuana use within two hours of getting behind the wheel In one of the most concerning developments to date, a published report by the state of Colorado found that in 2016, about 73% of some 4,000 drivers charged with driving under the influence tested positive for marijuana. The report, by the […]

The Marijuana Trail: Oregon-Grown Pot Shipped to More than Half the Nation

Today, a new report on marijuana production, distribution and consumption in Oregon is finding major problems since the legalization of the drug. The Idaho/Oregon High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) report finds there is so much pot in circulation, it’s being shipped to more than half the states in the nation. The study also discovered […]

Smart Approaches to Marijuana Issues Comprehensive Rebuttal to New York State Report Recommending Marijuana Legalization

Group formally submits Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request to obtain sources that contributed to the creation of the New York State report released by the Department of Health endorsing legalization Today, Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM), in coordination with its award-winning science advisory board and its New York State Affiliate, SAM-NY, released a comprehensive […]