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NEW FDU POLL SHOWS MAJORITY OF NEW JERSEYANS OPPOSE LEGALIZING RECREATIONAL MARIJUANA “Anyone who expected legalization to happen quickly and easily might reconsider given these findings,” said Krista Jenkins to the Star-Ledger, professor of political science and director of the FDU Poll. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 1, 2018   CONTACT:  Jeanette Hoffman 908-418-0859   TRENTON – The […]

Governor Scott Signs H.5111 Essentially Stopping any Movement to Legalize Sales

Statement by SAM on Vermont Governor Signing Possession Legislation (January 22, 2018 – Alexandria, VA) “Today, Governor Phil Scott signed H.511 into law, permitting adults over 21 to possess and cultivate marijuana beginning in July of this year. Unlike some reports, this bill will not legalize marijuana sales. While SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana) always […]

Half of Americans support alternatives to full marijuana legalization: poll

Half of Americans support alternatives to full marijuana legalization: poll Half of Americans now support alternatives to full legalization of recreational marijuana use, according to a new poll following the Justice Department’s decision to change the federal law enforcement policy on the drug. (Josh Delk, The Hill) Half of Americans now support alternatives to full legalization of […]

New National Poll Shows Support for Marijuana Legalization Dips Below 50% When Voters Are Given Other Policy Choices

Contact: SAM Press Office/Luke Niforatos            FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE; 303-335-7584                                January 17, 2018   New National Poll Shows Support for Marijuana Legalization Dips Below 50% When Voters Are Given Other Policy Choices Mason-Dixon poll on marijuana finds support […]

Sessions will end policy that allowed legalized marijuana to prosper

(The Hill) Attorney General Jeff Sessions will roll back an Obama-era policy that gave states leeway to allow marijuana for recreational purposes. The Justice Department on Thursday afternoon released a memoannouncing that the so-called Cole memo — which ordered U.S. attorneys in states where marijuana has been legalized to deprioritize prosecution of marijuana-related cases — would be […]

Sessions ending federal policy that let legal pot flourish

WASHINGTON (AP) — Attorney General Jeff Sessions has rescinded an Obama-era policy that paved the way for legalized marijuana to flourish in states across the country, creating new confusion about enforcement and use just three days after a new legalization law went into effect in California. President Donald Trump’s top law enforcement official announced the […]


Contact: SAM Press Office/Luke Niforatos          FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE; 303-335-7584           January 4, 2018 DOJ WILL RESCIND COLE MEMO, PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMUNITIES APPLAUD MOVE DOJ Decision Will Dry Up Money To Marijuana Industry   (January 4, 2018 – Alexandria, VA) – The Department of Justice will announce today […]

Mothers of Children Affected by Marijuana Admonish CNN’s New Year’s Eve Coverage Glamorizing Marijuana

Contact: SAM Press Office/Luke Niforatos                                               FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE; 303-335-7584                                               […]

Annual Survey of Students Shows Marijuana Use Significantly Up Among Grades 8, 10, & 12 versus 2016; Virtually All Other Substances Decreasing

Annual Survey of Students Shows Marijuana Significantly Use Up Among Grades 8, 10, & 12 versus 2016; Virtually All Other Substances Decreasing First Increase in Seven Years; Monitoring the Future Survey Also Shows Twice the Percentage of Students in Medical Marijuana States Consume Pot Edibles; Vaping Also Higher (December 14, 2017 – Alexandria, VA) – The […]

New Peer-Reviewed Study: Marijuana Use After Legalization in Washington State Increased Significantly Among Pregnant and Parenting Women

Contact: SAM Press Office/Luke Niforatos            FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE; 303-335-7584              December 13, 2017 Marijuana use at exit from the Parent-Child Assistance Program (PCAP) increased significantly after marijuana legalization in WA (December 13, 2017 – Alexandria, VA) – A new peer-reviewed study about to be […]

NEW POLL REPORTED IN WASHINGTON POST: Support for Legalization Falls When Voters Have More Choices

As reported today in the Washington Post:   Wonkblog By Keith Humphreys December 12 at 6:30 AM The proportion of Americans who express support for marijuana legalization in opinion polls has risen sharply over the past decade from the low 30s to as high as 60 percent. But a new poll shows that what Americans who support “marijuana legalization” […]