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LUKE NIFORATOS in the Daily Caller: Magic Mushrooms As Medicine? More False Promises From The Addiction Industry

Just days after Minnesota lawmakers narrowly passed a bill to flood the state with the drug THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana, addiction profiteers made their next move by advancing another bill to create a “Psychedelic Medicine Task Force,” with the clear goal of commercializing more drugs. It’s an increasingly familiar pattern of behavior in […]


Public Act 23-79 Requires Updated Health Warning Labels for Marijuana, Especially High-Potency THC-Laced Products FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEJune 27, 2023 Media Contact: Bob Driscoll (HARTFORD, CT) – Dr. Kevin Sabet, President of Smart Approaches to Marijuana Action (SAM Action) and a former drug policy advisor to Presidents Obama, Bush and Clinton, released the following statement in response to […]

On International Drug Day SAM & FDPS Meet with Italian PM in Rome and head to New Zealand; Call on Global Community to Strengthen Cooperation to Combat Illicit Drug Use

Italy Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni June 26 is International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (ROME, ITALY) – Gripped by an unprecedented drug crisis that is devastating families and fueling profits for drug cartels, Smart Approaches to Marijuana and the Foundation for Drug Policy Solutions (FDPS) today called on political leaders around the world to advance public policies focused on evidence-based prevention, treatment, […]

Legalizing Commercial Marijuana Risks Carolinians Health, Safety 

By Jason Williams  The national push to legalize marijuana has enjoyed a robust public relations campaign by well-funded interests. The marijuana industry has figured out that they can get more public support by calling their products “medical.” Now, the propaganda calling for the legalization of “medical marijuana” has made its way to the doorsteps of […]

SAM’s Luke Niforatos in the news about Denver’s psychedelic drug push

“Just because these substances can be grown in your backyard doesn’t mean they’re not intense psychotropic drugs,” said Luke Niforatos, the executive vice president of Smart Approaches to Marijuana and a vocal opponent of the referendum. “It’s very concerning that it’s being turned into a social club.” Read the entire story here.

Dr. Kevin Sabet featured in Newsweek

Today’s Drugs Are Anything but ‘Recreation’ | Opinion “Legalization of all drugs means exactly what it sounds like: full-scale commercial production of fentanyl, cocaine, methamphetamine, marijuana (THC), heroin, and more. It also means the widespread normalization of drug use and decreased perceptions of risk for users. For instance, most Americans likely don’t realize that today’s […]


HB 6699 Requires Updated Health Warning Labels for Marijuana, Especially High-Potency THC-Laced Products FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 6, 2023 Media Contact: Bob Driscoll 716-307-7406 (HARTFORD, CT) – Dr. Kevin Sabet, President of Smart Approaches to Marijuana Action (SAM Action) and a former drug policy advisor to Presidents Obama, Bush and Clinton, released the following statement following the […]

Dr. Kevin Sabet on Wall Street Wrap Up

“There’s so many misconceptions about the harmfulness of marijuana today. People have a view that’s really outdated. It’s from the 60s and 70s when basically a “harmless plant” that would put you to sleep. Today’s marijuana has been genetically bred to be up to 99.9% THC which is much stronger than it ever was.” Watch […]

Minnesota, Delaware are the latest states to legalize recreational marijuana

“The consequences are sure to be devastating, just as they have been in other states that have tried this risky experiment,” added Sabet, who was previously a drug policy adviser to the Obama, Bush and Clinton administrations. “Today’s commercial marijuana products are associated with depression, suicidality, IQ loss and most recently psychosis and schizophrenia, especially […]

Walz signs bill making marijuana legal in Minnesota

Minnesota is now among the states where marijuana is legal for adults 21 and older — in a few months, at least. Flanked by a colorful predecessor, Gov. Tim Walz signed an expansive cannabis legalization bill into law Tuesday, dramatically changing state drug policy. It begins a gradual implementation that at first decriminalizes cannabis and […]