SAM in the Press


(WASHINGTON, DC) — Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM), the nation’s leading drug policy organization focused on protecting Americans from the addiction industry, released the following statement in reaction to the release of a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association Open Network of data from nearly 1,500 primary care patients in Washington State, where marijuana and […]


Big Banks, Big Marijuana Searching for New Ways to Skirt Federal Law, Protect Drug Dealers (WASHINGTON, DC) – Wells Fargo, the nation’s fourth largest bank, is looking to supersize its operation by becoming the official bank for drug money in Maryland. Big Banks partnering with Big Marijuana isn’t new, despite the claims of pro-addiction activists. […]

Luke Niforatos on Public Radio from UA Little Rock

Luke Niforatos, executive vice president with the group Smart Approaches to Marijuana, says lawmakers made the right decision in banning the chemicals. “There’s very little regulation, if any, going on with these products. We don’t know what’s in them… some of the research has shown [products] to have heavy metals, pesticides,” Niforatos said. “So it’s […]


Lawmakers Knew the Risks to Public Health and Safety, Now They Bear Responsibility FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 31, 2023 Media Contact: Bob Driscollbob@learnaboutsam.org716-307-7406 (ST. PAUL, MN) – Smart Approaches to Marijuana Action (SAM Action) President Dr. Kevin Sabet, a former Obama drug policy advisor, released the following statement in advance of marijuana and THC-infused drugs […]

Pa.’s pot push won’t be the boon that’s claimed

“Over the last decade, the drive to legalize marijuana has been the subject of a significant public relations campaign. Throughout the country, the push to erase any stigma associated with marijuana has essentially become part of contemporary pop culture. In a vast effort to influence perceptions, musicians, actors, media personalities, and professional athletes have endorsed […]

Dr. Kevin Sabet in CQ Researcher

“In states bucking the federal law banning marijuana, legalization has ushered in an unprecedented level of normalization and commercialization. There are now more daily users of THC products than daily users of alcohol, and usage among young adults is at the highest level ever. In the last 10 years, the number of marijuana users increased by more than […]

SAM’s Luke Niforatos in New Mexico’s KRQE: No federal background checks on New Mexico cannabis applicants

“This is why we don’t ram through legislation in a Special Session before anybody can spot problems with the bill because then we have stuff like this come out,” says Luke Niforatos, Vice-President of the advocacy group S.A.M. (Smart Approaches to Marijuana). “Your viewers should be very concerned about the fact that (the state is) not looking […]

SAM’s Luke Niforatos in the Charlotte Observer

Q&A: Anti-marijuana group explains opposition to NC bill “Many have been asking why we led the campaign that has so far deterred passage of N.C. Senate Bill 3, the bill that sought to legalize “medical marijuana.” The answer is simple: marijuana is not approved by the FDA “for the treatment of any disease or condition.” […]

PA Politicians’ Pot Push Won’t Be the Boon They Claim

“Over the last decade, the drive to legalize marijuana has been the subject of a significant public relations campaign. Throughout the country, the push to erase any stigma associated with marijuana has essentially become part of contemporary pop culture. In a vast effort to influence perceptions, musicians, actors, media personalities, and professional athletes have endorsed […]

PERSPECTIVE: Pot’s honeymoon is over

“Given the harm the marijuana industry exacts on public health and public safety, as well as the environment, there’s reason to welcome a reduction in influence,” said Luke Niforatos. “We can only hope the related consequences of use might also begin to subside. That’s an outcome people on both sides of the marijuana debate should […]


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEJuly 13, 2023 Media Contact: Bob Driscollbob@learnaboutsam.org716-307-7406 Lawmakers Reject NDAA Amendments Allowing Use of THC Drugs by Military Recruits, Other Dangerous Proposals (WASHINGTON, DC) – Smart Approaches to Marijuana Action (SAM Action) President Dr. Kevin Sabet, a former White House drug policy advisor to Presidents Obama, Bush and Clinton, released the following statement today in […]

NC House Speaker says he doesn’t see medical marijuana legalization happening this year

“Marijuana isn’t medicine. It’s not approved to treat any illness. So-called medical marijuana is the industry’s way of getting a foothold in a state that they can then use to create an open THC drug market,” said Luke Niforatos, executive vice president of Smart Approaches to Marijuana, in a statement.  Read the entire article, here.

Dr. Kevin Sabet speaks with the Florida Phoenix about Biden and marijuana legalization

DeSantis won’t decriminalize cannabis if elected POTUS; would any other candidate? Florida Phoenix “The science hasn’t change since the last time they reviewed this for Schedule I — the science has gotten worse; about psychosis, schizophrenia, the potency — if they’re going to stick to the science, I don’t see the scheduling changing,” he said […]

Is NC’s medical marijuana bill dead? A sponsor says no, but opponents are celebrating

“Marijuana isn’t medicine. It’s not approved to treat any illness. So-called medical marijuana is the industry’s way of getting a foothold in a state that they can then use to create an open THC drug market,” said Luke Niforatos, executive vice president of Smart Approaches to Marijuana. Read the entire article, here.

Group against legalized medical marijuana in North Carolina claim victory

“You literally have Altria, the largest tobacco company in the country that is one of the largest investors in the marijuana industry. They’re the ones that are leading the charge to legalize marijuana in many states like Virginia and also at the federal level. I think the more we realize that this is a ploy […]

SAM’s Luke Niforatos quoted in the Denver Gazette

“Big Marijuana profited off of increased addiction and use throughout COVID-19 lockdowns and the isolation that so many Coloradans felt during those years,” Niforatos told The Denver Gazette in a prior interview. “What we are seeing now is likely a return to the pre-pandemic average use. This decrease should be celebrated, but we need to […]

LUKE NIFORATOS in the Daily Caller: Magic Mushrooms As Medicine? More False Promises From The Addiction Industry

Just days after Minnesota lawmakers narrowly passed a bill to flood the state with the drug THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana, addiction profiteers made their next move by advancing another bill to create a “Psychedelic Medicine Task Force,” with the clear goal of commercializing more drugs. It’s an increasingly familiar pattern of behavior in […]

On International Drug Day SAM & FDPS Meet with Italian PM in Rome and head to New Zealand; Call on Global Community to Strengthen Cooperation to Combat Illicit Drug Use

Italy Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni June 26 is International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (ROME, ITALY) – Gripped by an unprecedented drug crisis that is devastating families and fueling profits for drug cartels, Smart Approaches to Marijuana and the Foundation for Drug Policy Solutions (FDPS) today called on political leaders around the world to advance public policies focused on evidence-based prevention, treatment, […]

Minnesota, Delaware are the latest states to legalize recreational marijuana

“The consequences are sure to be devastating, just as they have been in other states that have tried this risky experiment,” added Sabet, who was previously a drug policy adviser to the Obama, Bush and Clinton administrations. “Today’s commercial marijuana products are associated with depression, suicidality, IQ loss and most recently psychosis and schizophrenia, especially […]

Sabet: This is America’s surprising youth drug crisis

“Legalized drug crisis is harming young people far more than most realize” “The marijuana industry, which spent billions to lobby elected officials and bankroll legalization referendum campaigns, is following the playbook pioneered by Big Tobacco. They recognize that the road to big profits runs through the heaviest users. As such, they have increased potency of […]

Dr. Kevin Sabet on the Pat Miller Program

Dr. Kevin Sabet speaks with Pat Miller about the U.S. Senate Banking Committee on the Addiction Banking Act and how S.1323 will help fuel the nation’s addiction crisis. Listen here.