Friday Fact

SAM 1/19/24 Friday Fact – Controversy Uncovered: Three Marijuana Companies Advertise Products with a THC Potency Over 100% But Deny In-Store Sales
Report Highlights: In the realm of marijuana regulation, a concerning issue has come to light, emphasizing the failure of states to effectively regulate the industry. Several dispensaries have been caught promoting THC potencies on their websites that defy scientific limits. Three notable marijuana stores currently advertise THC vape products with potencies exceeding 100%, a scientifically […]

SAM 1/12/24 Friday Fact: Significant Rise in Marijuana Vape Use Among Youth
Report Highlights: We must unite in our efforts to safeguard the well-being of our youth and prevent the long-term consequences of early drug exposure. We look forward to discussing how we can collectively address this issue.

SAM 1/5/24 Friday Fact: Unveiling Delta-8 THC – Legal Status, Rising Concerns, and Urgent Need for Action
What is Delta-8 THC and How Did it Get Legalized: Delta-8 THC is a cannabinoid found in the hemp plant and is structurally similar to Delta-9 THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana that makes people feel “high.” Delta-8 THC was inadvertently legalized in 2018 when that year’s Farm Bill legalized hemp. Hemp is required to […]

SAM 12/22/23 Friday Fact: Young Adults Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana and Alcohol
Report Highlights: In 2022, nearly 3.9 million Americans between the ages of 16 and 25 admitted to driving under the influence of marijuana, compared to 2.4 million who admitted to driving under the influence of alcohol, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Among the 16–20 demographic, individuals were 2.3 times more […]

SAM 12/15/23 Friday Fact: Cannabis Use Disorder Up by 13.89% Since 2021
Report Highlights: Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD) on the Rise: High-Potency Marijuana and its Impact: Understanding CUD Prevalence and Demographics: Immediate Action Needed:

SAM 12/08/23 Friday Fact: Michigan’s THC Crisis – Road Safety & Health Alert
Report Highlights: The report on THC levels in Michigan’s fatal crashes and cannabis use disorder (CUD) illuminates a critical public health issue. It highlights a steep increase in THC presence in road accidents and a significant number of people affected by cannabis use disorder (CUD). This data is vital for stakeholders, emphasizing the need for […]

SAM 12/01/23 Friday Fact: Violent Crime Spikes After Marijuana Legalization in Four States
Report Highlights: The examination of the graph depicting the impact of recreational marijuana legalization on violent crime rates reveals notable variations among states. This underscores the critical need for continuous research efforts to comprehensively understand the complex dynamics at play. Policymakers and researchers should actively utilize this data to make informed decisions that strike a […]

SAM 11/24/23 Friday Fact: Marijuana Flower Potency Forecast
Report Highlights: Actual vs. Predicted THC Percentage: Our report tracks the surge in THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) levels in marijuana flowers from 1995 to 2021 and projects THC levels up to 2035. In just a few decades, the average THC percentage has soared from 3.96% to over 15%, with predictions showing further increases. As we delve into […]