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New Mexico Marijuana Legalization Bill Defeated in Senate Judiciary; Health and Safety Groups Claim Victory

Today, a bill to legalize marijuana and establish a commercial market for the drug failed to garner enough votes for passage in the New Mexico Senate Judiciary Committee. This tremendous victory for public health follows a year-long push by the marijuana industry to pass a bill largely written by the industry and its investors. A […]

New Emerson College Poll Finds 70 Percent of Vermont Voters Oppose Commercialized Marijuana Market

According to a new poll conducted by Emerson College, 70 percent of Vermont voters do not support the commercialization and taxation of marijuana. This poll’s importance is significant to state lawmakers as the marijuana industry has renewed its annual push to expand into the state, which allows for possession of the drug, but has no […]

New DEA Report: Marijuana Legalization Benefits Criminal Drug Traffickers

A comprehensive report released by the United States Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) finds that the illicit marijuana market is increasing in states that have “legalized” the substance; growing operations—that often occur on public lands—present a significant draw on resources and a dramatic threat to local environments; and criminal organizations are using revenue from marijuana production […]

Benchmark Youth Drug Use Survey Finds Marijuana Vaping Has Doubled, Daily Use Significantly Increased

Daily marijuana use and marijuana vaping has significantly increased in the last year according to new data from the largest, most comprehensive drug use survey of students in the United States. The 2019 Monitoring the Future survey, compiled by researchers at the University of Michigan and funded by the National Institutes of Health, is the […]

Policy Groups Send Coalition Letter Thanking Senator Mike Crapo for Slowing Marijuana Banking Legislation

A broad coalition of national and state policy groups sent a letter to United States Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) expressing their concerns with the SAFE Banking Act and thanking Senator Crapo for slowing down what seemed at first to be a rushed process to grant the marijuana industry access to the federal banking system. “In […]

New Study: Marijuana Impaired Traffic Deaths Doubled in Washington State Following Legalization

Today, a new study released by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found the percentage of drivers in Washington State involved in fatal car crashes testing positive for marijuana has doubled since the state “legalized” marijuana for recreational use in 2012. “Marijuana-impaired driving is rising across all states that have ‘legalized’ marijuana and this study […]

Coalition of New Mexico Groups Urge Lawmakers to Oppose Marijuana Legalization

A coalition of public health and safety groups, business coalitions, and representatives of New Mexico state law enforcement gathered in the Capitol Rotunda to host a press conference urging lawmakers to oppose the passage of any legislation legalizing and commercializing recreational marijuana. “As a Coloradan, I can speak firsthand as to the results of marijuana […]

Constituents of NYS Senator Pete Harckham Urge Him to Oppose Marijuana Legalization

A group of concerned New Yorkers gathered in front of NYS Senator Pete Harckham’s District Office to host a press conference urging Senator Harckham to join the majority of public health and safety organizations in NYS and oppose the passage of any bill creating a commercial marijuana industry in New York. This gathering, led by […]

Virginia Substance Abuse Groups and Law Enforcement Urge Lawmakers to Oppose Marijuana Legalization

Representatives from public health and law enforcement groups gathered at the Virginia General Assembly Building in Richmond to host a press conference urging lawmakers to oppose the passage of any legislation legalizing and commercializing recreational marijuana in the Commonwealth of Virginia. “Marijuana legalization efforts and the rhetoric surrounding them send a dangerous message to the […]

Emerson College Poll Finds Majority of New Mexico Voters Do Not Support Marijuana Legalization

A poll conducted by Emerson College found 63% of New Mexico voters are opposed to the full legalization of marijuana when given a full spectrum of policy options. Additionally, the poll found that when voters learn that the marijuana industry features large investments from Big Tobacco and alcohol conglomerates and that legalized states have experienced […]

CDC DATA: Over 130 Cases of Vaping Illness Victims Purchased Products Exclusively From “Commercial Sources”

Today, in a massive release of data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), it has been confirmed that out of 809 patients reporting data on the source of the marijuana products use prior to becoming sick, 131 reported purchasing products exclusively from commercial sources. What’s more, 627 reported products from “informal sources” such as […]

SAM New York Response to Governor Cuomo’s State of the State Address

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo presented his annual State of the State Address in Albany. In his address, the governor repeated his call from last year to pass a bill legalizing the commercial sale of marijuana. The legislature failed to pass a bill accomplishing this last year due to the efforts of Smart Approaches to […]