These Legislators are Putting Profits Before Public Health
(Denver, CO) – Today, The Marijuana Accountability Coalition (MAC) unveiled the results of the “Brought to You by the Pot Industry” campaign. This campaign sought to expose the top recipients of money from the pot industry as it works to become the next Big Tobacco. These lawmakers in Colorado have chosen to place profits ahead of public health.The following five Colorado state lawmakers top the charts for political contributions from Big Marijuana:
Cristina Duran, Denver, Speaker of the House
Senator Daniel Kagan, Denver
Representative Dan Pabon, Denver
Representative Jonathan Singer, Longmont
Representative Alex Garnett, Denver
While each of these legislators may claim to stand for our families, our communities, and public health, their financial disclosures say otherwise. How can they possibly objectively weigh in on what is best for our community when they are being showered in special interest money from Big Marijuana?
“As a Coloradan, a parent, and a public health advocate, it is disturbing to see our state’s leaders succumb to big industry’s deep pockets,” said Justin Luke Riley, founder of The MAC. “This grotesque example of corrupt and conflicted leaders is why The MAC exists,” Riley continued.