Friday Fact

SAM Friday Fact 08/16/2024: Racial Disparities in Treatment Admissions for Marijuana in New York

The New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS) dashboard reported the number of treatment admissions for various drugs, including marijuana, by race from 2015 to 2022. New York Treatment Admissions for Marijuana by Race (2015-2022):  According to the 2020 Census, New York’s racial makeup was 52.50% White, 19.50% Hispanic, 14.80% Black, 9.60% […]

SAM Friday Fact 08/09/2024: The Number of Americans (Aged 12+) That Reported Vaping Marijuana Has Continued to Increase

The 2023 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) asked those who used marijuana about the ways in which they used it. While many readers likely know that the marijuana is often smoked, the NSDUH found that an alarming number of Americans also vape it.  Number of Past-Month & Past-Year Users Who Vaped Marijuana […]

SAM Friday Fact 08/02/2024: The Rise of Big Tobacco 2.0 – Marijuana Use Rises as Tobacco Use Declines

This week, SAMHSA released the 2023 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), which is the leading federal estimate of trends in drug, tobacco, and alcohol use. While there are many data points that will likely appear in future versions of the Friday Fact, today’s edition focuses on the number of monthly users of […]

SAM Friday Fact 07/26/2024: Impact of Prenatal Marijuana Use on Maternal Health Outcomes

A recent study in JAMA Internal Medicine, “Prenatal Cannabis Use and Maternal Pregnancy Outcomes,” assessed the degree to which prenatal marijuana use was associated with maternal health outcomes during pregnancy. The article used two types of sample groups for this study: pregnant women that used marijuana and pregnant women that did not use marijuana. Drawing […]

SAM Friday Fact 07/19/2024: Florida & Major Counties Report Sharp Rises in Marijuana Poison Exposures After Medical Marijuana Legalization

From 2016 to 2023, Florida’s Poison Control Centers collected poison exposure data throughout the state, reported on a county level. This report focuses on all types of marijuana poison exposures statewide and in Florida’s six most populous counties. The types of marijuana poison exposures included edibles, dried plants, concentrated extracts, synthetic marijuana, and other or unknown […]

SAM Friday Fact 07/12/2024: 2022 Survey Shows 40% of Past-Month Marijuana Users in Minnesota Reported Smoking Daily or Near Daily

The Minnesota 2022 Cannabis Report, from the International Cannabis Policy Study, led by the University of Waterloo, featured survey results from the Nielsen Consumer Insights Global Panel. In this survey, respondents aged 16 to 65 were asked about their marijuana-related behaviors and perceptions: Percentage of Marijuana Users in Minnesota Reporting Their Frequency of Marijuana Use in […]

SAM Friday Fact 06/28/2024: Rise in Marijuana Edible Exposures Among Young Children in Illinois Since Legalization

The Illinois Poison Center reported on the number of unintentional exposures to marijuana edibles among young children from 2019 to 2023. Here’s what they found: Number of Marijuana Edible Exposures Among Young Illinois Children by Year  Illinois legalized the personal use of marijuana and commercialized it on January 1st, 2020. Following legalization, the number of […]

SAM Friday Fact 06/21/2024: Connecticut Survey Shows Increases in Past-Month Marijuana Use

In the Connecticut Department of Public Health’s recently published a report, “2024 Cannabis Health Statistics Report,” relying on data from the Connecticut Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey, conducted in 2017, 2021, and 2022. The Department examined the percentage of past-month marijuana users across different age groups in Connecticut:  Percentage of Past-Month Marijuana Users Among Age […]

SAM Friday Fact 06/14/2024: Nearly one-third of Canadians who consumed marijuana in the past 12 months reported experiencing at least one adverse health effect

The results of a survey of Canadians aged 16-65 who used marijuana in the last year were published in the study, “Adverse outcomes of cannabis use in Canada, before and after legalisation of non-medical cannabis: cross-sectional analysis of the International Cannabis Policy Study.” The survey aimed to find what percentage of these users experienced at […]

SAM Friday Fact 06/07/2024: Arizona youth survey shows youth obtain marijuana from marijuana stores

The 2022 Arizona Youth Survey State Report provided the percentage of Arizona’s 8th, 10th, and 12th graders who reported that they acquired marijuana from marijuana stores in 2018, 2020, and 2022.  In November 2010, Arizona legalized medical marijuana and on November 30th, 2020, Arizona legalized and commercialized marijuana. Between 2020 and 2022, the percentage of […]

SAM Friday Fact 05/31/2024: Daily or Near-Daily (DND) Marijuana Use Surpasses Daily or Near-Daily (DND) Alcohol Use in the U.S.

A recent study “Changes in self-reported cannabis use in the United States from 1979 to 2022,” published in Addiction by Jonathan Caulkins, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University focuses on changes in the consumption patterns of marijuana. He compared these trends for marijuana to consumption patterns for alcohol. Caulkins found that daily or near-daily use […]

SAM Friday Fact 05/17/2024: Since 2018, marijuana workforce drug test positivity has increased by 60.7%, with 2023 reaching a new peak

This week, Quest Diagnostics released an analysis of workforce drug testing in 2023. Quest Diagnostics processed 10 million drug tests in 2023 and found a  surge in drugs test tampering. Additionally, the company shared their marijuana workforce drug test positivity rate for 2023, highlighting that the marijuana workforce drug test positivity rate is at an […]

SAM Friday Fact 05/10/2024: The rate of violent behavior in daily marijuana users aged 18-34 was nearly twice the violent behavior rate of non-users

The study “Associations of cannabis use, use frequency, and cannabis use disorder with violent behavior among young adults in the United States” was recently published by Nora D. Volkow and the team at NIDA. The study found that the rate of violent behavior in daily marijuana users aged 18-34 was nearly twice the violent behavior rate of non-users.  […]

SAM Friday Fact 05/03/2024: Percentage of Colorado Students Who Used Marijuana via Vaporization in the Past 30 Days

The Healthy Kids Colorado Survey, conducted by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, assessed trends in tobacco, drug, and alcohol use among high school students in the Centennial State. Notably, beyond asking students whether they used marijuana, it asked how they used it, finding that many vaped it. Among past-month marijuana users, the […]

SAM 04/26/2024 Friday Fact: Marijuana Use Disorder Rates by Race in 2021 and 2022

Table 5.5B in the 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health report showed the marijuana use disorder rates by race, for people aged 12 and older, in 2021 and 2022. Between 2021 and 2022, the rates increased for Asians, Hispanics, Whites, the America National Trend (ANT), and African Americans. The race where the rate […]

SAM 4/19/2024 Friday Fact: Top 10 U.S. States by Annual Marijuana Use Among Youth (Aged 12-17) in 2021-2022

The SAMSHA 2021-2022 NSDUH: Model-Based Estimated Prevalence For States provides estimates of drug use at the state level. Their survey spans 2021 and 2022, rather than only one year, because they needed a sufficiently large sample size for all states.   Based on this, we looked at the prevalence of past-year marijuana use among the […]

SAM 4/12/2024 Friday Fact: Delta-8 THC Exposures Among Age Groups in 2022

America’s Poison Centers 2022 Annual Report of the National Poison Data System shows Delta-8 THC exposures among age groups. Overall, there were 3,358 Delta-8 THC exposures in 2022. Americans aged 19 or younger accounted for 56% of all Delta-8 THC exposures in 2022––those 12 or younger accounted for more than 40% of these exposures. Here’s […]

SAM 4/5/2024 Friday Fact: 44.38% of Past-Year Marijuana Users Aged 12-17 in 2022 Met the Criteria for Cannabis Use Disorder

The percentage of past-year marijuana users between the ages of 12 and 17 that had cannabis use disorder in 2022 was calculated using the data on Table 1.2A and Table 5.1A from the 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH).  Key Highlights (For Americans Aged 12-17)  The statistics are clear: more teenagers are […]

SAM 3/29/24 Friday Fact: Millions of Americans Admit to Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana

According to the 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), the number of Americans that admitted to driving under the influence of marijuana increased from 2021 to 2022.  Key Highlights:  This trend is expected to worsen as additional states attempt to legalize and commercialize marijuana. According to the 2022 NSDUH Section 1 Table […]

SAM 3/22/24 Friday Fact: Marijuana Edible-Related Poison Control Calls Among Ages 0-12 From 2016 to 2022

According to data from America’s Poison Centers, from 2016 to 2022, marijuana edible-related poison control calls among children aged 0-12 years old increased 3,311%: This trend is exacerbated by kid-friendly edible packaging and product design. Products are often sold in colorful packaging and are made to look like and taste like candies, cookies, and other […]

SAM 3/15/24 Friday Fact: Marijuana Dispensaries Sell to Thousands of Minors Every Year

In case you missed it, this week’s edition of the Drug Review, the new editorial portion of The Drug Report, covered several state-level health surveys focused on school-aged students. The surveys found evidence that regulated dispensaries sell to thousands of minors every year.  Key Highlights:  These findings, based on self-reported answers from minors, disprove the […]

SAM 3/8/24 Friday Fact: Mapping the Delta-8, Delta-9, or any THC-Related Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations through News Reports

Important Notes For This Friday Fact Report: Our latest resource, “Mapping the Delta-8, Delta-9, or any THC-Related Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations through News Reports” is now live. This map provides an insightful view of news stories surrounding THC-related emergency department visits and hospitalizations across the country. This tool not only includes locations but also […]

SAM 2/23/24 Friday Fact: Key Findings on High School Marijuana Use in Maine in 2023

The results of the 2023 Maine Integrated Youth Health Survey sheds light on marijuana use among Maine high school students over the past 30 days:  These statistics are weighted to ensure a more accurate representation of statewide trends and will be instrumental in guiding our youth health initiatives and policies moving forward. 

SAM 2/16/24 Friday Fact: Increase in Fatal Crashes Involving Marijuana in Illinois and Michigan

We are sharing with you the latest insights from the 2023 Annual Cannabis Report, produced by the Adult Use Cannabis Health Advisory Committee for the state of Illinois, focusing on critical data concerning marijuana drug testing results for drivers in fatal crashes in Illinois and Michigan. This information is pivotal as we consider the implications of […]