Pot-Friendly Politicians’ Attempt to Deceive Americans Fall Short Thanks to Courageous Legislators

Today, the House Appropriations Committee rejected the biggest wish of Big Marijuana, Big Banks, and Wall Street by stripping marijuana banking provisions from the FY 2025 Fiscal Services and General Government (FSGG) bill. If included, allowing the marijuana industry to access banking services would have injected billions of dollars in new investment into the pot industry. Legislators also added the Harris Rider, a legacy rider that prevents Washington, DC, from selling recreational marijuana, and struck a provision that would have loosened federal hiring standards regarding marijuana use.

Smart Approaches to Marijuana Action (SAM Action) President and CEO Dr. Kevin Sabet, a former drug policy advisor to Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama, released the following statement today in response House Appropriations Committee markup:

“Today is a monumental victory for everyone who cares about public health and safety and America’s worsening drug crisis. Big Pot and its allies on Capitol Hill failed in their deceitful attempt to sneak unsafe appropriations legislation that would have put the addiction-for-profit industry on steroids. There’s nothing safe about putting more drugs in American communities, and thankfully members of the of the House Appropriations Committee have seen through the lies and misinformation spread by the pot-profiteers.

“Any member who does not understand the dangers associated with the Addiction Banking Act is either embarrassingly unaware or can be credibly accused of being in the pocket of the addiction and banking industries. It should come as little surprise that pot-friendly politicians are pulling out all the stops to try and boost the addiction-for-profit industry in an election year. Thankfully, they are defeated again. Americans have made it clear they don’t want more drugs in their communities.

“The inclusion of the Harris Rider after it had been initially removed from the FSGG bill and the striking of a provision loosening federal hiring standards surrounding marijuana use are major wins for public health. Today, Congress prioritized families over Big Marijuana.

“While this markup is a major defeat for Big Marijuana, Big Banks, and their Wall Street allies, we know the fight is far from over. The industry will undoubtedly redouble its efforts; we will be ready. We applaud all members of the subcommittee who stood up for what’s right and voted against these misguided provisions.”