The results of the 2023 Maine Integrated Youth Health Survey sheds light on marijuana use among Maine high school students over the past 30 days:
- Incremental Increase by Age: A steady increase in marijuana use is observed with age. Past-month use by 15-year-olds stood at 13.6% and rose to 20.2% for 16-year-olds, 23.8% for 17-year-olds, and 25.0% for those 18 or older.
- Similar Increase by Grade: 10.6% of 9th graders were past-month users, compared to 16.2% of 10th graders, 21.7% of 11th graders, and 25.5% of 12th graders.
- Females Report Higher Use: Across all high school grades and ages, females were more likely than males to have been past-month marijuana users.
- Use on School Property: 5.5% of high school students reported that they used marijuana on school property in the past 30 days.
- Impaired Driving: Of concern, 17.9% of high school students also reported that in the past 30 days they rode in a car driven by someone who had been using marijuana. Among those who drove a car in the past 30 days, 9.7% said they had also been using marijuana.
- Notably, these are past-month estimates, which are indicative of heavier, more frequent use. The prevalence of past-year use among this age would be even higher.
These statistics are weighted to ensure a more accurate representation of statewide trends and will be instrumental in guiding our youth health initiatives and policies moving forward.