Statement by SAM on Vermont Governor Signing Possession Legislation
(January 22, 2018 – Alexandria, VA) “Today, Governor Phil Scott signed H.511 into law, permitting adults over 21 to possess and cultivate marijuana beginning in July of this year. Unlike some reports, this bill will not legalize marijuana sales. While SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana) always opposes any legalization measure that will inevitably increase use rate among our youth and make our roads more dangerous, we recognize that since H.511 stops short of legalizing sales, it can be seen as a compromise. We will await the final report from the Governor’s Marijuana Commission. After reading the preliminary report released on January 16th, we feel confident that the Departments of Health and Public Safety share our concerns with full legalization, and support the need for a cautious approach. SAM looks forward to continuing to our work in Vermont and collaborating with medical professionals, educators, and law enforcement communities to educate Vermonters on the dangers that legalization poses to their beautiful state.”